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Getting "Trying to read outside mapped memory at address:" when my code accesses a port on the m4.
I have two apps, one which works properyl, is MQX based, and there
under project options linker config,.icf is in $TOOLKIT_DIR$\config\linker\Freescale\MVFxx_M4.icf.
I hacked a simple non-MQX one from a FSL 2D-ace demo, and it has a memory accession violation on the very first port access, using a .icf that looks similar (just has DDR added).
There’s nothing in either .icf that specifically allows the port address at 4000 0000, so does MQX allow it somehow, where non-MQX apps don't?
解決済! 解決策の投稿を見る。

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I spotted the problem - when you create a new workspace in IAR EWARM, the debugger is by default "Simulator" so every register access causes a memory access warning.

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I spotted the problem - when you create a new workspace in IAR EWARM, the debugger is by default "Simulator" so every register access causes a memory access warning.

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Which Vybrid do you use? I have VF6 reference manual on my table and the slot connected to 0x4000_0000 address is empty so accessing can fail. Nevertheless make sure you have properly initialized the peripheral you are accessing, mainly enabling the clock signal.

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Its a VF5, and the register (aka Port, but maybe I should have called it a register) was one of the CCM regs, just above CCM_BASE 0x4006B000, but the particular address didn't matter - the issue was the in debugger tab.