Attached is the latest OpenSDA CMSIS-DAP app from ARM.
It's built to run on top of the OpenSDA bootloader, so place your revision G Tower board (earlier versions not supported) in bootloader mode and drag and drop the attached onto the BOOTLOADER drive.
Power cycle the board and the new CMSIS-DAP app will be available for debug connection, improves stabilty and fixes a problem resulting in errors during large file transfers.
Currently there is no version control enabled on this or anyway to determine which version of CMSIS-DAP is runnig, ARM are aware of this and looking into ways of improving this.
I will arrange to update the download zip on later, expecting a new update and likely the final version before end of year, so this is to provide immediate access to this intermediate version with improved stabilty.
Original Attachment has been moved to:
Hi Ross,
Would you please also upload the bug fixed source code of CMSIS-DAP?
Hi Roger,
You'll need to do that through ARM I think, they control the CMSIS-DAP source code and access to it, anyone can access it I believe, but you probably still need to request access to it from ARM.
Hi Ross,
Thanks for your reply. I got the CMSIS-DAP source code from ARM website last year, and already ported this code to many MCU with USB function from a variety of silicon vendors. I want to know which part of OpenSDA firmware you have modified to fix the bugs and enhance its stabilty.