About errata 2N02G of e6385 and e6119.

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About errata 2N02G of e6385 and e6119.

Contributor III

About errata e6385.

There is a description of the DECOs in the errata e6385 and e6119, What it's the referred DECOs?

I can not read the errata of e6835 and e6119 for the meaning of DECOs do not understand.

Could you explain DECOs.

And Kindly let me know a summary of e6119 and e6835.

1 返信

Contributor V

They appear to be referring to the CAAM.  You need to read the Vybrid Security Reference manual; especially chapter 14.  The 'DECO' is a job descriptor for the encryption engine.  Both erratas are grouped in the same part of the errata manual; this usually indicates that they come from a similar functional block.  A better question might be, Where is the SEC Programmer's Reference Manual? Most of the chapter 14 gives details.  I guess maybe SEC Programmer's Reference Manual, means the 'Vybrid Security Reference manual'?

Briefly, a DECO is given to a JOB QUEUE and work is done.  There maybe multiple JOBS/DECOs at the same time.  See: Linux CAAM driver where you can see both 'JOB RINGs' and 'DECOs' being used in the source.