New Forum Destroying Formatting in Old Articles

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New Forum Destroying Formatting in Old Articles

Specialist II

I've just spent 20 minutes reformatting one of my old posts after it got destroyed by the new forum.

Here's my post after I've tried to fix it (but not very well):

Re: DIVU/DIVS Forcing a Reset

Here's an example of the "wanton destruction":

Re: Unsupported instruction Exception on AC256 with DIVS

Look at the "scrolling bits". They were formatted "As Code" in the old forum. These have been converted to "<pre></pre>" sections, but the internal line breaks have been replaced by "<br>" within the <pre" and all the spaces have been reduced to single spaces between "words". This "conversion" is broken and simply doesn't work. It also can't be reversed.

The new Forum doesn't support an equivalent for "As Code", which meant "Monospace and LEAVE IT ALONE". I'm having to revert to manually editing the raw HTML. That's horribly primitive. Why was this Forum released when it requires us to write raw HTML in order to use it?

Maybe the "Syntax Highlighting - Plain" might work. Let's try it:

    rx.chan32[x] = val32/scale;
401080b2:   2a02        movel %d2,%d5
401080b4:   4c41 5805   remsl %d1,%d5,%d5
401080b8:   2585 9c00   movel %d5,%a2@(00000000,%a1:l:4)
    r16.chan[x] = (int)((mod16)?(val16/scale)%mod16:val16/scale);
401080bc:   4a83        tstl %d3
401080be:   6710        beqs 401080d0 <chan_check+0x66>

No, the spacing is proportional instead of Monospace and the TABs are all wrong. it isn't in a "grey box" either, which was always useful in the old Forum to mark "as code".

Please fix the import of all of the previous posts with these problems and then RE-IMPORT them, as the current import broke them and can't be fixed in-place.


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2 Replies

Contributor V

Hi Tom,

I'm also disapointed, as you are.

I've just discovered that all the attachments I made in many threads to add some code than could help some other guys have been removed during migration.

Some guys are asking me to reattach them, unfortunatly for some of them I did not keep a copy on my computer, thinking that they will always be available on the forum ...

Many hours of work lost ... I will think twice before working for the community again.

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Specialist II

It has been four months since my original report.

I was hoping Freescale would get fix the "export/translation" and re-export all the damaged posts.

No such luck.

The bugs and limitations seem to be"set in stone".


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