Copy/Paste doesn't work in this Forum

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Copy/Paste doesn't work in this Forum

Specialist II

Here's a small piece of text: "a small piece of text".

I've just copied it and am about to paste it here: <"a small piece of text">.

That worked. Let's try it again here: <"a small piece of text">.

Now I'll copy two lines from a FreeScale Reference Manual here (and then colour it RED): <

Flash memory is ideal for single-supply applications allowing for field reprogramming without requiring

external high voltage sources for program or erase operations.

Flash memory is ideal for single-supply applications allowing for field reprogramming without requiring

external high voltage sources for program or erase operations.

Flash memory is ideal for single-supply applications allowing for field reprogramming without requiring

external high voltage sources for program or erase operations.

Flash memory is ideal for single-supply applications allowing for field reprogramming without requiring

external high voltage sources for program or erase operations.


OK, now I'll do that again here:<

Flash memory is ideal for single-supply applications allowing for field reprogramming without requiring

external high voltage sources for program or erase operations.

> and colour it GREEN

And again here <> and colour it BLUE

And again here <> and colour it PURPLE

In all cases I had the cursor inside the "<>", but in all cases the paste put the text immediately after the previous paste!

I'll now try to copy/paste the PURPLE one above here and then colour it BROWN: <>

That was unexpected. It just pasted above where you see it!

This makes replying to a post and copying previous parts of it VERY DIFFICULT. It is also impossible to paste sections from a Reference Manual.

I'm having to manually RETYPE sections of manuals because the Copy/Paste function simply doesn't work.

Copy/Paste has been working properly since at least 1984 (the original Macintosh)

OK, I've got it nailed. It can copy WORDS and SINGLE LINES, but if anything has a line-break in it, it pastes it to the wrong place in the text.

So one work-around is to paste blocks of text one line at a time, or to copy - paste into Notepad, remove all line breaks, copy, paste into here, reinsert the line breaks.

The other work-around is to drop back into HTML-editing mode and cut-and-paste there.

How did this ever get past basic testing? I can supposedly "include a Video", but I can't paste more than one line of text?

Please add a Test Case for this simple operation and get it fixed ASAP.

I've tested this in Firefox 16.0.2 under Linux and IE-8 under Windows XP with the same result.


21 Replies

Specialist II

Could anyone else reading this post please try the same test, and reply with your results?


0 Kudos

NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Tom, I was able to get the same results in IE, but am not seeing the issue in Chrome.  I have reported the issue to the vendor and will let you know what we find out.

0 Kudos

NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Tom,  Here is what we got back from the vendor, "You are actually encountering a known issue that has been reported and verified in 5.0.3. The bugs (JIVE-13990 and JIVE-17498) have been fixed in our latest release (5.0.5). Unfortunately, there is no workaround that we can provide for this issue at this time except to upgrade to the latest release."   I have begun a dialogue with our IT team on scheduling the upgrade.

Specialist II

Thank you Paul.

"No workaround". None for them to fix it, but I can think of two simple (but annoying) workarounds you can inflict on your customers (us).

1 - Click on the "HTML" link and perform the cut/paste (or repair after failed cut/paste) in there.

2 - Copy the whole thing to an external editor (Wordpad, Notepad, VI), write'fix it there. Delete the contents of the post and paste back from external.


0 Kudos

Specialist II

Has this been fixed yet?

Testing a paste:

Flash memory is ideal for single-supply applications allowing for field reprogramming without requiring

external high voltage sources for program or erase operations.

Flash memory is ideal for single-supply applications allowing for field reprogramming without requiring

external high voltage sources for program or erase operations.

Trying to paste again after this line...

No, still broken as it pasted above the above line.


0 Kudos

NXP Employee
NXP Employee

I don't have an exact date for the upgrade, but it looks like we will upgrade in June time frame.

Specialist II

> I don't have an exact date for the upgrade, but it looks like we will upgrade in June time frame

it is now July. Has this been fixed? Let's try some Multi-line Pastes:

1 - First Paste Here:

First Paste Text:

* The stack self-aligns to a 4-byte boundary at an exception, with

* the FS/Fmt/Vector/FS field indicating the size of the adjustment

* (SP += 0,1,2,3 bytes).

Second Paste Text:

* The stack self-aligns to a 4-byte boundary at an exception, with

* The stack self-aligns to a 4-byte boundary at an exception, with

* the FS/Fmt/Vector/FS field indicating the size of the adjustment

* (SP += 0,1,2,3 bytes).

Third Paste Text:

* The stack self-aligns to a 4-byte boundary at an exception, with

* the FS/Fmt/Vector/FS field indicating the size of the adjustment

* (SP += 0,1,2,3 bytes).

Fourth Paste Text:

* The stack self-aligns to a 4-byte boundary at an exception, with

* the FS/Fmt/Vector/FS field indicating the size of the adjustment

* (SP += 0,1,2,3 bytes).

Fifth Paste attempted into the "Syntax Highlighting" section below:



* The ColdFire family of processors has a simplified exception stack

2 - Second Paste Here:

3 - Third Paste Here:

4 - Fourth Paste Here:

No, still completely broken.

And for some more giggles, how about trying to paste some code in? Here's an attempt at posting 30 lines of C source into the "C++" Syntax Highlighting:

No, the stupid thing pasted in the wrong place again. I'll have to make another post to demonstrate this as you only get "One Paste Per Post".


0 Kudos

Specialist II

What I'm trying to do is to help someone on the ColdFire Forum by pasting in some code. Which takes a huge amount of work to find something that sort-of-works.

Here's an attempt at using the "Syntax Highlighting" in C++ mode to paste THIRTY lines of code:



* The ColdFire family of processors has a simplified exception stack

* frame that looks like the following:


*              3322222222221111 111111

*              1098765432109876 5432109876543210

*           8 +----------------+----------------+

*             |         Program Counter         |

*           4 +----------------+----------------+

*             |FS/Fmt/Vector/FS|      SR        |

*   SP -->  0 +----------------+----------------+


* The stack self-aligns to a 4-byte boundary at an exception, with

* the FS/Fmt/Vector/FS field indicating the size of the adjustment

* (SP += 0,1,2,3 bytes).


#define MCF5XXX_RD_SF_FORMAT(PTR)    \

    ((*((uint16_t *)(PTR)) >> 12) & 0x00FF)

#define MCF5XXX_RD_SF_VECTOR(PTR)    \

    ((*((uint16_t *)(PTR)) >>  2) & 0x00FF)

#define MCF5XXX_RD_SF_FS(PTR)        \

    ( ((*((uint16_t *)(PTR)) & 0x0C00) >> 8) | (*((uint16_t *)(PTR)) & 0x0003) )

#define MCF5XXX_SF_SR(PTR)    *((uint16_t *)(PTR)+1)

#define MCF5XXX_SF_PC(PTR)    *((uint32_t *)(PTR)+1)

There's MEANT to be THIRTY lines of code above, but currently it is only showing me 26 lines. It seems to have some sort of line-limit.

it is also displaying in a proportional Font instead of a fixed-width one, although I suspect this preview and the Final display are going to be different. I'll close now and see what happens, then come back and edit ... Now I'm back editing, it is showing 31 lines. Let's see if "Plain Text" is any better - no I can't do that as it pastes in the wrong place, even in subsequent edits.



0 Kudos

Specialist III

Hello Tom,

I have never used the code window facility because of the proportional font, that cannot be altered.  In fact, the button to use to enter code is not apparent to me at the present time.  I am using advanced editor mode where I can select the font type and size.

The method that I generally use is to simply paste the code within the body of the post, and then change the font to Courier.New.  The code should be copied from a plain text source - my attempt to copy from the code block within your previous post had some unintended consequences that required additional measures to correct.



* The ColdFire family of processors has a simplified exception stack 

* frame that looks like the following: 

*              3322222222221111 111111 

*              1098765432109876 5432109876543210 

*           8 +----------------+----------------+ 

*             |         Program Counter         | 

*           4 +----------------+----------------+ 

*             |FS/Fmt/Vector/FS|      SR        | 

*   SP -->  0 +----------------+----------------+ 

* The stack self-aligns to a 4-byte boundary at an exception, with 

* the FS/Fmt/Vector/FS field indicating the size of the adjustment 

* (SP += 0,1,2,3 bytes). 


#define MCF5XXX_RD_SF_FORMAT(PTR)    \  

    ((*((uint16_t *)(PTR)) >> 12) & 0x00FF)  

#define MCF5XXX_RD_SF_VECTOR(PTR)    \  

    ((*((uint16_t *)(PTR)) >>  2) & 0x00FF)  

#define MCF5XXX_RD_SF_FS(PTR)        \  

    ( ((*((uint16_t *)(PTR)) & 0x0C00) >> 8) | (*((uint16_t *)(PTR)) & 0x0003) )  

#define MCF5XXX_SF_SR(PTR)    *((uint16_t *)(PTR)+1)  

#define MCF5XXX_SF_PC(PTR)    *((uint32_t *)(PTR)+1) 


Sometimes,if there are intentional line spaces within the code block, these can be gobbled up, and would need to be reinstated.



0 Kudos

Specialist II

bigmac writes:

In fact, the button to use to enter code is not apparent to me at the present time.

You mean ">>" isn't a universally obvious symbol?

Hovering on it shows "insert" and clicking on it brings up "Table of Contents, Syntax Highlighting, Raw HTML and Quote".

The idea that "insert code" both doesn't work and should be hidden under a treed menu under another menu under a misleading and anonymous-looking button that only shows up under the "Advanced Editor" button in a Forum that deals with CODE PROGRAMMING is bizarre.

The method that I generally use is to simply paste the code within the body of the post, and then change the font to Courier.New.

Thanks. I'll see if that works in future.

As long as you don't paste more than one line more than once (my original and not-yet-fixed complaint).

The other big problem that should be fixable is that all the Lithium "insert code" blocks have had all the line-endings removed!

But if cut-and-paste doesn't work, doesn't get fixed within the promised time I don't expect they can fix that either.

Edit - another weirdness. After posting, the first "Quote" above is displaying in Monospace and scrolls rather than wraps, and the second one is proportional and wraps. But back in the Editor they're both Proportional. What hidden weirdness causes the second use of "quote" to behave in the opposite way of the first one??? I would suggest those responsible for this forum look at the "raw HTML" to try and see what went wrong.


0 Kudos

Specialist II

The Forum has been updated. Let's test it:

No, it STILL can't do Cut and Paste. Apple had this working in 1984 guys! It also shows that whoever was meant to "fix" this bug didn't actually test it properly.

First Paste:

Flash memory is ideal for single-supply applications allowing for field reprogramming

without requiring external high voltage sources for program or erase operations.

Second Paste (this is RED, isn't it???? It was!

Flash memory is ideal for single-supply applications allowing for field reprogramming

without requiring external high voltage sources for program or erase operations.

Fourth paste (deliberately between Second and Third), and this is all BLACK

Flash memory is ideal for single-supply applications allowing for field reprogramming

without requiring external high voltage sources for program or erase operations.

Third Paste in GREEN

Flash memory is ideal for single-supply applications allowing for field reprogramming

without requiring external high voltage sources for program or erase operations.

Paste fourth time up within previous pastes...

That works, but not without some really weird problems, best shown up with coloured text to make the problems more obvious.

The "Second Paste" above was RED until I tried to change the colour of the "Fourth Paste" to Black. That action didn't work, but instead changed the colour of the PREVIOUS paragraphs (Second Paste) to black.

Here's some Black

Here's some Black

Here's some Black

Here's some Green

Here's some Green

Here's some Green

Here's some Blue WHICH SHOULDN'T BE HERE! It appeared out of nowhere when I pasted the Green above!

Here's some Red

Here's some Red

Here's some Red

Here's some Green (line 1)

Here's some Green (line 2)

Here's some Red that I pasted between Green Lines 2 and 3

Here's some Red This was part of the paste

Here's some Green (line 1) This REALLY shouldn't be here!

Here's some Green (line 3)

Here's some Blue

Here's some Blue

Here's some Blue

Close, but still annoyingly broken.

Tom - this was changed from Green to Black, but it didn't stick...

Tom (now this is Black...).

0 Kudos

Specialist II

The Forum has been updated. Let's test the Code Representation by pasting in THIRTY SEVEN lines of code:



* DMA Timers (DTIM)



/* Register read/write macros */

#define MCF_DTIM0_DTMR           (*(vuint16*)(0xFC070000))

#define MCF_DTIM0_DTXMR          (*(vuint8 *)(0xFC070002))

#define MCF_DTIM0_DTER           (*(vuint8 *)(0xFC070003))

#define MCF_DTIM0_DTRR           (*(vuint32*)(0xFC070004))

#define MCF_DTIM0_DTCR           (*(vuint32*)(0xFC070008))

#define MCF_DTIM0_DTCN           (*(vuint32*)(0xFC07000C))

#define MCF_DTIM1_DTMR           (*(vuint16*)(0xFC074000))

#define MCF_DTIM1_DTXMR          (*(vuint8 *)(0xFC074002))

#define MCF_DTIM1_DTER           (*(vuint8 *)(0xFC074003))

#define MCF_DTIM1_DTRR           (*(vuint32*)(0xFC074004))

#define MCF_DTIM1_DTCR           (*(vuint32*)(0xFC074008))

#define MCF_DTIM1_DTCN           (*(vuint32*)(0xFC07400C))

#define MCF_DTIM2_DTMR           (*(vuint16*)(0xFC078000))

#define MCF_DTIM2_DTXMR          (*(vuint8 *)(0xFC078002))

#define MCF_DTIM2_DTER           (*(vuint8 *)(0xFC078003))

#define MCF_DTIM2_DTRR           (*(vuint32*)(0xFC078004))

#define MCF_DTIM2_DTCR           (*(vuint32*)(0xFC078008))

#define MCF_DTIM2_DTCN           (*(vuint32*)(0xFC07800C))

#define MCF_DTIM3_DTMR           (*(vuint16*)(0xFC07C000))

#define MCF_DTIM3_DTXMR          (*(vuint8 *)(0xFC07C002))

#define MCF_DTIM3_DTER           (*(vuint8 *)(0xFC07C003))

#define MCF_DTIM3_DTRR           (*(vuint32*)(0xFC07C004))

#define MCF_DTIM3_DTCR           (*(vuint32*)(0xFC07C008))

#define MCF_DTIM3_DTCN           (*(vuint32*)(0xFC07C00C))

#define MCF_DTIM_DTMR(x)         (*(vuint16*)(0xFC070000+((x)*0x4000)))

#define MCF_DTIM_DTXMR(x)        (*(vuint8 *)(0xFC070002+((x)*0x4000)))

#define MCF_DTIM_DTER(x)         (*(vuint8 *)(0xFC070003+((x)*0x4000)))

#define MCF_DTIM_DTRR(x)         (*(vuint32*)(0xFC070004+((x)*0x4000)))

#define MCF_DTIM_DTCR(x)         (*(vuint32*)(0xFC070008+((x)*0x4000)))

#define MCF_DTIM_DTCN(x)         (*(vuint32*)(0xFC07000C+((x)*0x4000)))

I can only see 36 lines. The 37th one went missing.

<< EDIT: The missing lines came back when I Submitted the post, and also stayed in Monospace >>

At least it is more than it could do last time, and it is displaying in a Monospace Font.

Try the "Plain" method:

/* Register read/write macros */

#define MCF_DTIM0_DTMR           (*(vuint16*)(0xFC070000))

#define MCF_DTIM0_DTXMR          (*(vuint8 *)(0xFC070002))

#define MCF_DTIM0_DTER           (*(vuint8 *)(0xFC070003))

/* Bit definitions and macros for MCF_DTIM_DTXMR */

#define MCF_DTIM_DTXMR_MODE16    (0x01)

#define MCF_DTIM_DTXMR_DMAEN     (0x80)

/* Bit definitions and macros for MCF_DTIM_DTER */

#define MCF_DTIM_DTER_CAP        (0x01)

#define MCF_DTIM_DTER_REF        (0x02)

/* Bit definitions and macros for MCF_DTIM_DTRR */

#define MCF_DTIM_DTRR_REF(x)     (((x)&0xFFFFFFFF)<<0)

/* Bit definitions and macros for MCF_DTIM_DTCR */

#define MCF_DTIM_DTCR_CAP(x)     (((x)&0xFFFFFFFF)<<0)

/* Bit definitions and macros for MCF_DTIM_DTCN */

#define MCF_DTIM_DTCN_CNT(x)     (((x)&0xFFFFFFFF)<<0)


It left out the last line again! << Edit: Back after Submit >>  If I then try and highlight the text above, the Highlighted text shows different lines of data to the ones it shows unhighlighed. Weird. It is currently showing the "spelling error wiggle underlining" under the wrong lines as well.


0 Kudos

Specialist II

Let's try Cut and Paste again.

This is with Firefox 25.0 running under Ubuntu Linux.

Switch to "Advanced" mode to be able to set colours.

The following 8 lines were all MANUALLY typed in (so as to not upset the cut/paste gnomes) and then manually coloured, one line at a time.

1. Here's some Black Text

2. Here's some Black Text

3. Here's some Green Text

4. Here's some Green Text

5. Here's some Red Text

6. Here's some Red Text

7. Here's some Blue Text

8. Here's some Blue Text

Test 1: Try to paste the Black text to the next 2 lines:

1. Here's some Black Text

2. Here's some Black Text

3. Here's some Green Text

Yes, I pasted lines 1 and 2 and line 3 came along for the ride (and this text is now green as a result).

Test 2. Try to paste the Rex text to the next 2 lines:

5. Here's some Red Text

6. Here's some Red Text

7. Here's some Blue Text

I didn't want the Blue lines. At least this is consistent.

Fourth test, try to get back to "Black". Select this line and the "I didn't..." one above, select the "Black" colour, and ... The first line went "Black" but this one didn't.

Select black, start typing, now Black and a different font or it seems bolder - this will probably disappear when I post this.

Fifth test. Using the keyboard arrows and shift key, select the two "Red" lines above, then hit the left arrow key. I should have two lines highlighted, but with the last letter in the second line not selected. That's not what I'm seeing. The selection has jum

((Sixth tes)) ped to include the THIRD line. So that's why the cut/paste is picking up an extra line.

I started typing "Sixth test" on this line and the insertion point jumped back to within the previous line - I've put it in "(())".

Start cutting and pasting blocks of text around (and then delete them). The insertion point seems to be stable. It usually isn't when I try to do this.

1.3.15 QSPI

The queued serial peripheral interface module provides a high-speed synchronous serial peripheral

interface with queued transfer capability. It allows up to 16 transfers to be queued at once, eliminating CPU

intervention between transfers.

Seventh test. Cut/paste sections from a Freescale manual below this line, then a second paste above this line, and then colour them purple. This works OK now.

1.3.15 QSPI

The queued serial peripheral interface module provides a high-speed synchronous serial peripheral

interface with queued transfer capability. It allows up to 16 transfers to be queued at once, eliminating CPU

intervention between transfers.

Eighth test. Copy some source code without changing the highlighting or font, works OK. I've also tested pasting and then applying Syntax Highlighting, and that works now too.


* copy a file. returns 1 on error (as per command line cp)  */

int copy(const char *from, const char *to)


    int fold, fnew, n, mode;

    struct stat stbuf;

    char iobuf[CP_BUFSIZE];    /* on stack */

The editor is mainly behaving itself at the moment. Often when I'm trying to paste normal text (or numbers) it starts putting them in some sort of "Table Paste mode".


0 Kudos

Specialist II

I'm about to repeat the tests now there's a new version of the Forum Software. First the "standard test":

1. Here's some Black Text

2. Here's some Black Text

3. Here's some Green Text

4. Here's some Green Text

5. Here's some Red Text

6. Here's some Red Text

7. Here's some Blue Text

8. Here's some Blue Text

Test 1: Highlight lines 1 and 2 above, and paste them here:

1. Here's some Black Text

2. Here's some Black Text

3. Here's some Green Text

What's line 3 doing above? I went to cut/paste TWO lines and it copied THREE.

This bug has been there for over 2 1/2 years and it still doesn't work.

Something simpler. Start with this:

1. Here's some Black Text

2. Here's some Green Text

3. Here's some Red Text

Click before the "2", hold down "shift", hit down-arrow to highlight line "2" prior to copy/paste. I see the following (where I'm illustrating the "highlight" by showing as Underline):

1. Here's some Black Text

2. Here's some Green Text

3. Here's some Red Text

Now with the "shift" key still down, hit the LEFT arrow, expecting to see the highlight move back one character to:

1. Here's some Black Text

2. Here's some Green Text

3. Here's some Red Text

What I actually get is:

1. Here's some Black Text

2. Here's some Green Text

3. Here's some Red Text

Changing the Selection using shift-arrow doesn't work properly. If I keep hitting the left-arrow it keeps reselecting the SECOND line, unless I let it auto-repeat, and then it gets it right.

That's probably related to copying one-too-many lines.

This is with Firefox 37.0.2 under Ubuntu Linux.

Let's see if I can use this software to paste example code (not working for years).

int flexcan_kbaud_set( int device, int kbaud )


//    DEBUG( 1, "" );

    struct can_hw *p = &hw[device];

    int rc = 0;

    uint32_t nTimeUs;

    int unfreeze = FALSE;

    if (!(p->regs->canmcr & MCF_CAN_CANMCR_HALT)) //Flexcan is not frozen


        nTimeUs = clock_us();

Wow! That actually worked without going crazy. That's a first. I've now switched to the "Advanced Editor" so I can change the lines to Courier.

Select the above code, cut, paste, change to Courier New and Indent:

int flexcan_kbaud_set( int device, int kbaud )


//    DEBUG( 1, "" );

    struct can_hw *p = &hw[device];

    int rc = 0;

    uint32_t nTimeUs;

    int unfreeze = FALSE;

    if (!(p->regs->canmcr & MCF_CAN_CANMCR_HALT)) //Flexcan is not frozen


        nTimeUs = clock_us();

That pasted one-too-many lines, but worked better than it has before. I might actually be able to "Paste Code" at last.

Let's try the ">> Syntax Highlighting C++" way of displaying code:

int flexcan_kbaud_set( int device, int kbaud )


//    DEBUG( 1, "" );

    struct can_hw *p = &hw[device];

    int rc = 0;

    uint32_t nTimeUs;

    int unfreeze = FALSE;

    if (!(p->regs->canmcr & MCF_CAN_CANMCR_HALT)) //Flexcan is not frozen


        nTimeUs = clock_us();

It missed pasting the last line, or at least displaying it. I can only see lines 1 to 11. That's a bug I've noted previously, but it might come back after I "Add Reply". It also has the above littered with "Spelling Error Red Wiggles". They're also completely misaligned with the words they're objecting to. Code shouldn't be spell-checked anyway.

Save this post so I can see what happens next.

Back after the save. I can now see the missing lines in the above code, and instead of showing lines 1-11 (as it did on the first edit) it is now showing 1-13. It also only shows the red wiggles in edit mode, and in this "re-edit" they're now showing under the correct words at least.


0 Kudos

Specialist II

I still can't paste code.

Here's what I'm trying to paste in:

80101eea: 280e           movel %fp,%d4

80101ef8: 0684 ffff ff60 addil #-160,%d4

for (i = 0; i < 40; i++) {

    counts[i] = nStuckCounter;


801024d4: 2044           moveal %d4,%a0

801024d6: 2039 8080 003c movel 8080003c <nStuckCounter>,%d0

801024dc: 20c0           movel %d0,%a0@+

801024de: bdc8           cmpal %a0,%fp

801024e0: 66f4           bnes 801024d6 <main+0xb34>

Now all I can see is a bunch of red wiggles, and nothing else. You can see a pretty good version, but I can't see it in the original or when I try to "Edit" it.

Here's another try from another post I've just made:

80101eea:  280e     movel %fp,%d4

80101ef8:  0684 ffff ff60  addil #-160,%d4

for (i = 0; i < 40; i++) {
counts[i] = nStuckCounter;
801024d4:  2044     moveal %d4,%a0

801024d6:  2039 8080 003c  movel 8080003c <nStuckCounter>,%d0

801024dc:  20c0     movel %d0,%a0@+
801024de:  bdc8     cmpal %a0,%fp
801024e0:  66f4     bnes 801024d6 <main+0xb34>

That has actually pasted it as a Table, but I can't see that in this view. You can't see that either, but it comes back as a "Table" when I try to edit it.

Now I'll try to paste it into "Plain Text", but I can't do that from here and have to go to the "Advanced Editor" first:

80101eea:   280e        movel %fp,%d4

80101ef8:   0684 ffff ff60  addil #-160,%d4

for (i = 0; i < 40; i++) {
counts[i] = nStuckCounter;
801024d4:   2044        moveal %d4,%a0

801024d6:   2039 8080 003c  movel 8080003c <nStuckCounter>,%d0

801024dc:   20c0        movel %d0,%a0@+
801024de:   bdc8        cmpal %a0,%fp
801024e0:   66f4        bnes 801024d6 <main+0xb34>

That's a mess of tables inside a "Format". Again, you can't see how bad it looks. You'll see it has "word-wrapped" the short lines and hasn't wrapped the long ones. Weird.

The only way I can find to do this is to manually reduce all the spaces in the text I'm trying to paste to ONE space, like this:

80101eea: 280e            movel %fp,%d4

80101ef8: 0684 ffff ff60  addil #-160,%d4

for (i = 0; i < 40; i++) {

    counts[i] = nStuckCounter;


801024d4: 2044            moveal %d4,%a0

801024d6: 2039 8080 003c  movel 8080003c <nStuckCounter>,%d0

801024dc: 20c0            movel %d0,%a0@+

801024de: bdc8            cmpal %a0,%fp

801024e0: 66f4            bnes 801024d6 <main+0xb34>

That actually pasted in without "table insanity" happening. Then I had to manually reinstate all the spaces in the above to get it to look right.

This is a HUGE waste of time!


0 Kudos

Specialist II

Here it is in Internet Explorer 11.0.9600 under Windows  7:

1. Here's some Black Text

2. Here's some Italic Green Text

3. Here's some Bold Red Text

The shifted arrow keys work fine in Internet Explorer. It is a problem specific to FIrefox.

Try copying ONE line, the second one above:

2. Here's some Italic Green Text

That works too!

I can't test in in Chrome as I don't have it on this computer.

I'll try pasting code in here - works, format it as Courier and indent:

801024d4: 2044            moveal %d4,%a0 

801024d6: 2039 8080 003c  movel 8080003c <nStuckCounter>,%d0 

801024dc: 20c0            movel %d0,%a0@+ 

801024de: bdc8            cmpal %a0,%fp 

801024e0: 66f4            bnes 801024d6 <main+0xb34>

So that looks like another Internet Explorer / Firefox difference.


0 Kudos

Specialist II

And one way to FIX this in Firefox is detailed in the FIFTH post to this thread:

Rich text editors often use JavaScript to detect and clean up a paste. There is a setting to block websites from detecting when you copy or paste, which you could try as an experiment to see whether it makes any difference.

(1) In a new tab, type or paste about:config in the address bar and press Enter. Click the button promising to be careful.

(2) In the search box above the list, type or paste clip and pause while the list is filtered

(3) Double-click the dom.event.clipboardevents.enabled preference to switch it from true to false. Or if it is already false, to switch it back to true.

The above post also points to:

After making that change I can now paste without something trying to turn the paste into a table.

It DOES indicate that the "Javascript Paste Cleanup" is the problem (whatever that is).

80101eea: 280e           movel %fp,%d4
80101ef8: 0684 ffff ff60 addil #-160,%d4

for (i = 0; i < 40; i++) {
    counts[i] = nStuckCounter;
801024d4: 2044           moveal %d4,%a0
801024d6: 2039 8080 003c movel 8080003c <nStuckCounter>,%d0
801024dc: 20c0           movel %d0,%a0@+
801024de: bdc8           cmpal %a0,%fp
801024e0: 66f4           bnes 801024d6 <main+0xb34>

I can also paste into "Syntax Highlighting Plain":

80101eea: 280e           movel %fp,%d4 80101ef8: 0684 ffff ff60 addil #-160,%d4 for (i = 0; i < 40; i++) {     counts[i] = nStuckCounter; } 801024d4: 2044           moveal %d4,%a0 801024d6: 2039 8080 003c movel 8080003c <nStuckCounter>,%d0 801024dc: 20c0           movel %d0,%a0@+ 801024de: bdc8           cmpal %a0,%fp 801024e0: 66f4           bnes 801024d6 <main+0xb34>

I expect changing that option might mess up working with other functions on this page or with other web sites.

It doesn't change the "Pasting one extra line that has tabs in it" though.

1. Here's some Black Text

2. Here's some Italic Green Text

3. Here's some Bold Red Text

2. Here's some Italic Green Text

3. Here's some Bold Red Text


Specialist II

I note my previous post has been marked as "Helpful", but it isn't a practical workaround. It is a "secret about:config hack" to the Browser.

Finding that the problem is related to the "Javascript Cleanup" for Firefox. I hope that information leads to a fix for everyone.


0 Kudos

Specialist II

Testing with Firefox 37.0.2 under Windows 7.

Copy "line 1" from the following:

1 Line 1

2 Line 2

To here:

1 Line 1

2 Line 2

Copied 2 lines here too.

Click before the "2", Shift-Down-Arrow then Shift-Left-Arrow and it highlight Line 3 the same as it did in my previous post on this.

1. Here's some Black Text

2. Here's some Green Text

3. Here's some Red Text

But it only does that if the next line is a DIFFERENT COLOUR. If it is the SALE COLOUR then it works OK. So whatever invisible stuff designates a change of colour messes up the line selection. Or if it is has any formatting difference, like bold/italic.

1. Here's some Black Text

2. Here's some Black Italic Text (and making this line italic made the NEXT line italic too, another bug)

3. Here's some Black Bold Text


0 Kudos

NXP Employee
NXP Employee

I've copied the "bad" text to word editor and format it to plain text, copy-n-paste it back into forum as my workaround.



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