Product Mentions and Associations

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Product Mentions and Associations

Product Mentions and Associations

Product mentions appear as hyperlinks and take the user to the product page in communities.



 Mentioned products also appear in a product-snippet component, and the view product button redirects to the device page.



How do I mention a product? 

  • Begin by typing a hashtag before a product name in the message body.
  • A search box will appear listing products with matching titles (see below for the full list).
  • Select the product you want to mention.

    Tip: Type two or more letters of the product’s title to search.

Behind the scenes, a product mention creates a product association between a product and the message in which the product is referenced. (This association is essentially metadata on the message.)

Who can do a product association?

Users with specific permissions can create product associations by adding them to an Associated Product field in the Post Page, Edit Page, and Reply Page.

Products associated appear in the product-snippet component at the end of the message body.




Full devices catalog attached.

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Version history
Last update:
‎02-21-2024 11:42 AM
Updated by: