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INTRODUCTION Hi everyone, Making/Developing/Porting a Bootloader is a tedious task for newbies (even for professionals) and inexperienced hobbyists who wish to use them on their custom hardware for rapid prototyping. After searching a lot on different forums I came to a conclusion that I cant develop a bootloader just like that so my next option was porting ,that too wasnt easy if you are going with old bootloaders with limited support. I then found a very easy and efficient way of rapid software development platform that can be used on almost any IDE (Keil,Codewarrior,KDS,etc.) and can be used to develop softwares like USB MSD Bootloaders,Serial Bootloaders and other applications for almost all Freedom Development Boards ,Freescale Kinetis MCUs (on a Custom Development Board ) with minimal ARM Programming Knowledge, which is perfect for newbies like me who are just starting with ARM Development using freescale or other boards.See Welcome to the homepage of the µTasker operating system with integrated TCP/IP stack, USB and target device simulator Now my project was to make custom board using MK22DX256VLF5 (48 LQFP) MCU ,my board is a rather a simple one using basic filtering circuits for powering the MCU and almost all the pinouts given as hardware pins on the dev board.Somehow I was able to flash my first blink code using Keil IDE using the OpenSDA circuitry of FRDM-KL25Z (J-11 trace cut ) with CMSIS-DAP firmware (OpenSDA app ) loaded on to it using SWD Programming. With the steps mentioned below I'll show you how to port a Mass Storage Device (MSD) Bootloader using uTasker project from scratch. REQUIREMENTS Programmer(Hardware) or Emulated Programmer(OpenSDA apps): Segger Jlink, P&E Multilink ,OpenSDA Emulators (Jlink-SDA, CMSIS-DAP,USBDM ) IDE :Keil,Codewarrior, Kinetis Design Studio etc. (I prefer CW 10.6 ) Target MCU: Choose any MCU between Kinetis,Coldfire V2,STM32  (I am using Freescale Kinetis MK22DX256VLF5 ,48 LQFP ) refer - PROCEDURE 1. Lets start by downloading the uTasker project/framwork (for Kinetis ) from µTasker Kinetis Developer's Page . Then extract and copy the folder to your CW workspace ,import the project to CodeWarrior IDE, It should look like this. (I am using version 14-9-2015)   2.Next Select "uTaskerSerialLoader_Flash" from the Five build configurations (refer  ).uTaskerBM_Loader is described in This is a very small loader alternative that works together with an initial application. uTaskerV1.4_BM_FLASH is the application to build so that it can be loaded to a loader (including the USB-MSD one). uTaskerV1.4 is a 'stand-alone' version of the application that doesn't work together with a loader (and doesn't need a loader).If you want to build application to load using the USB-MSD loader you need to use uTaskerV1.4_BM_FLASH. after that find the files config.h and ap_hw_kinetis.h.These files define the type of MCU you use. 3.In config.h Select your board or MCU type or the closest MCU resembling the architecture of your own MCU. My MCU  MK22DX256VLF5 was not there so with a little help from mjbcswitzerland  I chose TWR_K21D50M Board settings as TWR-K21D50M module is a development board for the Freescale Kinetis K11, K12, K21 and K22 MCUs. (Note : Be sure to remove or comment any other defined boards ) After Selecting the Board/MCU scroll down to find USB_INTERFACE and USB_MSD_LOADER and make sure that these two are defined (not commented ).This is necessary to enable USB enumeration as Mass storage device. Also comment the following if already defined : HID_LOADER KBOOT_HID_LOADER USB_MSD_HOST This is necessary as we are using our Bootloader in MSD Device Mode not in MSD Host Mode. Also we arent using HID_LOADER and KBOOT. Now open  ap_hw_kinetis.h and Find your selected MCU (in my case its TWR_K21D50M ) So, Find the String "TWR_K21D50M" (or whatever your MCU is ) and see if the follwing lines are defined. #define OSC_LOW_GAIN_MODE #define CRYSTAL_FREQUENCY    8000000  #define _EXTERNAL_CLOCK      CRYSTAL_FREQUENCY #define CLOCK_DIV            4                                      or    #if(..........)         #define CLOCK_MUL        48                                            #define SYSTEM_CLOCK_DIVIDE 2                                      #else         #define CLOCK_MUL        24 #endif     #define USB_CLOCK_GENERATED_INTERNALLY Here comes an integral part of USB MSD Bootloading/Programming.You must be wondering about CRYSTAL_FREQUENCY  8000000 and  CLOCK_DIV   4  .This is the frequency of an external crystal oscillator  (8mhz) connected between EXTAL0 and XTAL0 pins of the Target MCU.If your MCU has an internal oscillator then check whether the latter is defined. refer- There are two ways to be able to use USB: 1. Use a crystal between EXTAL0 and XTAL0 - usually 8MHz is used. (with or without load capacitor -both worked for me ) 2. Use a 48MHz oscillator on the USB-CLKIN pin. First one is easier and it worked for me.Since my MCU doesnt have an internal oscillator I have used and External 8Mhz crystal. If you want to use a 16Mhz crystal then just make the following changes : #define CRYSTAL_FREQUENCY    8000000 #define _EXTERNAL_CLOCK      CRYSTAL_FREQUENCY #define CLOCK_DIV            4                                 TO #define CRYSTAL_FREQUENCY    16000000 #define _EXTERNAL_CLOCK      CRYSTAL_FREQUENCY #define CLOCK_DIV            8 Note: The CLOCK_DIV should be such that it prescales the crystal frequency to range of 2-4MHz. Here is the clocking diagram of My MCU.The next diagram shows an oscillator crystal connected externally to my dev board. Next search for "PIN_COUNT" under your corresponding MCU/Board (mine is TWR_K21D50M).My MCU is 48 LQFP with 256kb flash and 32kb SRAM (you have to change them according to your MCU ).So I have changed the following lines                              from   #define PIN_COUNT           PIN_COUNT_121_PIN                         #define SIZE_OF_FLASH       (512 * 1024)                          #define SIZE_OF_RAM          (64 * 1024)                              to   #define PIN_COUNT           PIN_COUNT_48_PIN                      #define SIZE_OF_FLASH       (256 * 1024)                              #define SIZE_OF_RAM          (32 * 1024)  Next if you search for your MCU/Board (in this case TWR_K21D50M) ,you will find this line : #define UART2_ON_E This defines the alternative port for UART2,since many boards doesnt have PORTE ,it can be chaned to other ports. [its not important though] Note : When building the serial loader for a device with small RAM size reduce the define #define TX_BUFFER_SIZE (5512) to 512 bytes so the buffer can be allocated (the large size was used only for some debugging output on a larger device) [loader version :14.9.2015] Now search for the String "BLINK_LED" under your corresponding MCU/Board ( mine is TWR_K21D50M ) .The uTasker Bootloader has a special function ,whenever it is in MSD/LOADER mode it blinks a test LED on the board.This is not important but it can be used for debugging purposes.I have a test LED on my board at PORTB16 .You can also specify hardare pins to force bootloader mode and to stop watchdog timer if you pull SWITCH_3 and SWITCH_2 down to ground respectively.I am setting SWITCH_3 and SWITCH_2 as PORTD7 and PORTD6 respectively. Now on the toolbars go to Project > Properties > C/C++ Build > Settings > Tool Settings > Target Processor :Change it to your MCU type (mine is cortex-m4 ) .Next go to Linker >General and change the linker script file to match your MCU's flash,RAM,Type.I have set mine to K_256_32.ld (Kinetis K type processor with 256kb flash and 32 kb RAM) Apply your changes.Now you are ready to go. 4.  Build your project under SerialLoader_FLASH configuration .If there are no compilation errors then you have done it! (if there are then recheck everything with this guide ) Now Click the Flash programmer icon a and Select Flash File to Target. (if your not getting the icon switch to "DEBUG" perspective view ) Now you may choose your Programmer (or emulated programmer )[connection tab] ,select the correct Flash configuration file ,then browse for the binary file that has been generated under C:\Users\<computer user>\workspace\Kinetis_14-9-2015\Applications\uTaskerSerialBoot\KinetisCodeWarrior\uTaskerSerialBoot_FLASH\uTaskerSerialBoot.bin and Click on "Erase and Program". You may skip Step 5 and go to Step 6. 5.I am using the OpenSDA circuitry of my FRDM-KL25Z (J-11 trace cut ) as a programmer using J-link OpenSDA app. Download the app from SEGGER - The Embedded Experts for RTOS and Middleware, Debug Probes and Production Programmers - OpenSDA / OpenSDA V2 depending on your OpenSDA version (FRDM KL25Z has OpenSDAv1). Refer - Using the Freedom Board as SWD Programmer | MCU on Eclipse 5.1.First Enter bootloader mode and Flash the Jlink sda app into it.Connect the SWD wires from the board to your  Target MCU/Board ,also connect the target board        to the external oscillator.Also connect the FRDM's OpenSDA through USB. (A drive with the name JLINK Should come )                                          5.2. Go to Flash File to target and under connections tab click new. give any name and click new under Target Tab.Then select the target type (your target MCU ,mine is                      K22DX256M5).Then check Execute Reset under Initialization Tab. Click finish.    Now you'll get the option to select connection type ,then choose J-Link/J-Trace for ARM and change the Debug port interface to SWD .If you get the error :connection name is not        unique then just change the name (I have used jlink1).Click Finish.     Now I have set up my connections so I can flash the MCU with Jlink app on my OpenSDA circuitry. 6. Now to verify USB Enumeration of your Custom Board ,connect it to PC using USB and you should get a drive with the name UPLOAD_DISK.
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Academic Textbooks Collection of textbooks related to or using Freescale processors and/or covering general embedded engineering concepts. Additional resources including lab manuals, sample projects and more are available in the Faculty Portal.  These resources are only available to to verified faculty partners. 32-bit Microprocessor and Microcontrollers Kinetis (ARM Cortex-M) Title: uC/OS-III The Real Time Kernel for the Kinetis Cortex M4 Author: Jean Labrosse ISBN:9780982337523 Publisher: Micrium Press Released: 2011 ColdFire™ (MC51xx, MC52xx, MC53xx, MC54xx) Title: ColdFire Microprocessors and Microcontrollers Author: Munir Bannoura, Rudan Bettelheim, Richard Soja ISBN: 0976297302 Publisher URL: Released: 2006 Power™ Architectures (MC5xx, MC55xx) Title: MPC5554/MPC5553 Revealed Author: Munir Bannoura, Richard Soja ISBN: 0976297353 Publisher URL: Released: 2005 Title: eTPU Programming Made Easy  **Now Available in Japanese Author: Munir Bannoura, Margaret Frances ISBN: 0976297310 Publisher URL: Released: 2004 Title: TPU Microcoding for Beginners Author: Amy Dyson, Munir Bannoura ISBN: Publisher URL: Released: 1999 Digital Signal Processing Title: DSP for Embedded and Real-Time Systems Author: Robert Oshana ISBN: 9780123865359 Publiser: Elsevier Released: 2012 Title: DSP Filter Cookbook (Electronics Cookbook Series) Author: John Lane, Jayant Datta, Brent Karley, Jay Norwood ISBN: 0790612046 Publisher URL:  No Data Released: 2004 Title: Digital Signal Processing Fundamentals Author: Ashfaq Khan ISBN: 1584502819 Publisher URL: Released: 2000 Title: Digital Signal Processing Applications with Motorola's DSP56002 Processor Author: Mohammed El-Sharkawy ISBN: 0135694760 Publisher URL:  No Data Available Released: 1996 Title: Foundations of Digital Signal Processing: Theory, Algorithms and Hardware Design Author: Patrick Gaydecki ISBN-10: 0852964315 ISBN-13: 978-0852964316 Publisher: IEE; General 32-bit topics Title: Modern Micoprocessors 3rd Edition Author: V. Korneev / A.Kiselev ISBN: 1584503688 Publisher URL: Released: 2004 Title: Micrcontrollers and Microcomputers: Principles of Software and Hardware Engineering Author: Fredrick M. Cady ISBN: 0195110080 Publisher URL: Released: 1997 Title: Programming Microcontrollers in C Author: Ted Van Sickle ISBN: 1878707140 Publisher URL: Released: 1994 Title: Real-Time Programming: A Guide to 32-bit Embedded Development Author: Rick Grehan, Ingo Cyliax, Robert Moote ISBN: 0201485400 Publisher URL: Released: 1998 Title: Embedded Systems Design: A Unified Hardware/Software Introduction Author: Frank Vahid, Tony D. Givargis ISBN: 0471386782 Publisher URL:  No Data Available Released: 2001 Title: Microcontrollers in Practice Author: Marian Mitescu ISBN: 3540253017 Publisher URL:  No Data Available Released: 2005 Title: Embedded Systems Architecture: A Comprehensive Guide for Engineers and Programmers Author: Tammy Noergaard ISBN: 0750677929 Publisher URL: Released: 2005 Title: MEMS: Applications Author: Mohamed Gad-el-Hak ISBN: 0849391393 Publisher URL: Released: 2005 Title: High-Performance Embedded Computing: Architectures, Applications, and Methodologies Author: Wayne Wolf ISBN: 012369485X Publisher URL:  No Data Available Released: 2006 Title: Hardware and Computer Organization Author: Arnold S. Berger ISBN: 0750678860 Publisher URL: Released: 2005 8- and 16-bit Microcontrollers HCS12 Title:  Microcontroller Programming For Engineers Author: Harlan Talley ISBN-13: 978-0-557-09570-4 Publisher URL: Released: 2009 Title:  Learning by Example Using C – Programming the DRAGON12-Plus Author: Richard E. Haskell and Darrin M. Hanna ISBN: Publisher URL: Released: Title:  Learning by Example Using C – Programming the mini DRAGON12 Author: Richard E. Haskell and Darrin M. Hanna ISBN: Publisher URL: Released: Title:  HCS12 Microcontrollers and Embedded Systems Author: Muhammad Ali Mazidi, Danny Causey, Janice Mazidi ISBN: 978013672294 Publisher URL: Released: 2008 Title: Assembly and C Programming for the Freescale HCS12 Microcontroller Second Edition Author: Fredrick M. Cady ISBN: 9780195308266 Publisher URL: Released: 2007 Title: The HCS12/9S12, An Introduction to Hardware and Software Interfacing Author: Han-Way Huang ISBN: 1401898122 Publisher URL: Released: 2006 Title: Embedded Microcomputer Systems: Real Time Interfacing 2nd Edition Author: Jonathan W. Valvano ISBN: 0534551629 Publisher URL: Released: 2006 Title: MicroC/OS-II: The Real-Time Kernel Author: Jean J. Labrosse ISBN: 1578201039 Publisher URL: Released: 2002 HCS08 Title: Microcomputer Architecture - Low Level Programming Methods and Applications of the M68HC908GP32 Author: Dimosthenis E. Bolanakis, Euripidis Glavas, Georgios A. Evangelakis, Konstantinos T. Kotsis, Theodore Laopoulos ISBN: 978-960-93-4536-1 (English version of the book) ISBN: 978-960-357-101-8 (Greek version of the book: delivered with an educational board) Title: HCS08 Unleashed: Designer's Guide To the HCS08 Microcontrollers Author: Fabio Pereira ISBN-10: 1419685929 Publisher URL: Released: March 24, 2008 Title: Using Microprocessors and Microcomputers: The Motorola Family 4th Edition Author: William Wray, Joseph Greenfield, Ross Bannatyne ISBN: 0138404062 Publisher URL: Released: 1998 Title: The Official Robosapien Hacker's Guide Author: Dave Prochnow ISBN: 0071463097 Publisher URL:  / Released: 2005 Title: Robot Building for Beginners Author: Dave Cook ISBN: 1893115445 Publisher URL: Released: 2002 Title: Intermediate Robot Building Author: Dave Cook ISBN: 1590593731 Publisher URL: Released: 2004 HC11/HC12 (Legacy Devices) Title: Software and Hardware Engineering Motorola M68HC12 Author: Fredrick M. Cady, James M. Sibigtroth ISBN: 0195110463 Publisher URL: Released: 2000 Title: Software and Hardware Engineering Motorola M68HC11 Author: Fredrick M. Cady ISBN: 0195110463 Publisher URL: Released: 1997 Title: MC68HC12 An Introduction: Software and Hardware Interfacing Author: Han-Way Huang ISBN: 0766834484 Publisher URL: Released: 2002 Title: MC68HC11 An Introduction: Software and Hardware Interfacing 2nd Edition Author: Han-Way Huang ISBN: 0766816001 Publisher URL: Released: 2002 Title: Programming the Motorola M68HC12 Family Author: Gordon Doughman ISBN: 0929392671 Publisher URL:  No Data Available Released: 2000 Title: Embedded Systems: Design and Applications with the 68HC12 and HCS12 Author: Steven F. Barrett, Daniel J. Pack ISBN: 0131401416 Publisher URL: Released: 2004 Title: Introduction to Microcontrollers Architecture, Programming, and Interfacing for the Freescale 68HC12 Author: G. Jack Lipovski ISBN: 0124518389 Publisher URL: Released: 2004 Title: Single and Multiple Chip Microcomputer Interfacing Author: G. Jack Lipovski ISBN: 0138105731 Publisher URL:  No Data Available Released:  No Data Available Title: Microcomputer Engineering, Third Edition Author: Gene H. Miller ISBN: 0131428047 Publisher URL: Released:  2003
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Harvard Extension School CSCI E-251, Fall 2012: Principles of Operating Systems Final Project Presentations Presentation by Eric Pedersen
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Recommend accessories or post your own designs.  For the community by the community! Add your contributions in the comments section below.  As I filter through them I will move them up into this main document, so it is easier to browse. TFC Camera Mounts Designed by Wave Number Print these on demand via Base Board Hinge Two Position Tower Elevator TWR-ELEV-2 — Wavenumber LLC - Link to the Store
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Summary: This page contains the technical information for the FRDM-JAM shield.    This includes the Schematics, Bill of Materials (BOM),  Gerber Files and raw design files. See the attachments section.   There are 2 versions long this page.  Rev Gamma and Rev Delta. Rev Gamma:      This was the version for designed around the K20D50 FRDM board.   At the time of the design,  the FRDM-K64F did not exsist Rev Delta This version added IO connections to be able to use the FRDM-K64F.    The FRDM-K64F uses a different I2S pinout so a jumper had to be added as well as the QSPI RAM devices in Gamma had to be remove Other Special Notes about Rev Delta Rev Delta was design such that a FRDM-K64 could be used.      There is not yet firmware available but the hardware now allows connection to the K64F I2S interface. Rev Delta requires that J16 must be cut on the FRDM-K20D50 PCB.  There is a trace connecting the pads of J16 on the bottom side of the FRDM-K20D50.      This cut allows the audio transmit frame sync to work properly.   The signal INT2_ACCEL on the FRDM-K20D50 was interfering with the signal on the FRDM-JAM Rev Delta Introduced an I/O mapping bug.  IO Epsilon connects to PTC9 of the K20D50.     This also maps to the I2S RXD if using with the K64F and is also routed to PTC5 of the K20D50.     Do not use IO epsilon in your code unless you make the proper PCB modifications. Example software, video tutorials tutorials, cool demos, etc are location on the page for MonkeyJam project located here. MBED Support coming *very soon* Notes: You can order PCBs through OSHPark or your favorite board house.   There is a special .zip file with files ready to go for OSHPark (using their preferred naming convention). There is a complete design package which has the raw design files (Altium Designer Format) as well as gerbers,  a Bill of materials,  assembly plots etc.  Look in the "BUILD_PACKAGE" folder for the stuff needed to make the board. A PDF Schematic is also provided for easy reference. If you are interested in a low cost pre-fabbed board or a fully assembled version,  please leave a comment.  A kickstarter project may follow to get a bunch built!
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A microcontroller includes a microprocessor (CPU) as well as a number of other components like RAM, flash and EEPROM to store your programs and constants. While a microprocessor requires external devices to control things like input/output, or timers to implement periodic tasks, and digital to analog converters, a microcontroller is all inclusive. Contrast this all-in-one approach with a typical personal computer which contains an INTEL or AMD CPU, as well as separate chips for RAM, a separate video card, a dedicated hard drive, silicon chips or PCI circuit boards to enable the processor to access USB, serial and video card signals Microcontroller pins are general purpose, whereas CPU pins are specific. This means that each pin is tied to a multiplexer which you must set to choose the particular use for the pin. For example, in a microcontroller, one pin pin might be re-purposed for the following tasks 1. The output of a timer 2. Send a signal to a motor 3. Receive an input from a sensor or analog device Basic Concepts Covered Thus far: Blink an LED - overview of GPIO and setting up the microcontroller Drive a Motor - using the Timer and PWM modules of the microcontroller Turn a Servo - More details on using timer modules and PWM to control a servo Obtain Data from the Line Scan Camera - ADC Setup and GPIO Bit Blasting to create clock and pulse signals controlling the line scan camera I2C tutorial - Using I 2 C to communicate with various sensors using the K40 Button - An overview of how to implement a simple button Additional Concepts we would like to add to the Wiki: Timer Modules PWM watchdog-timer memory
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ARM University Programs Lab-in-a-Box (LiB) Freescale and ARM University Programs have teamed up to provide you the Lab in a Box.  If you are interested in adopting the Lab-in-a-Box (LiB) in your course please contact the ARM University Program to request a donation! Development Boards The FRDM-KL25Z is an ultra-low-cost development platform enabled by Kinetis L Series KL1x and KL2x MCUs families built on ARM® Cortex™-M0+ processor. Features include easy access to MCU I/O, battery-ready, low-power operation, a standard-based form factor with expansion board options and a built-in debug interface for flash programming and run-control. The FRDM-KL25Z is supported by a range of Freescale and third-party development software. Freedom Development Platform Lab Exercise for Freescale Freedom KL25Z Board Software Tools ARM offers the Keil Microcontroller Development Kit (MDK-ARM) for ARM powered microcontrollers. It features the industry-standard compiler from ARM, the Keil µVision IDE, and sophisticated debug and data trace capabilities. MDK-ARM offers tailored support for all Cortex-M processor-based devices, and is the recommended solution for students working with standard ARM-based MCU devices. We suggest that students and universities download the free evaluation version of the tools, which offers all the features of the standard version, but with a 32 KByte object code/data limit. Keil Microcontroller Development Kit (MDK-ARM) Textbooks The Definitive Guide to the ARM Cortex-M0 In English, by Joseph Yiu Published by Newnes ISBN-10: 0123854776 ISBN-978-0123854773 C Programming for Embedded Microcontrollers In English, by Warwick A. Smith Published by Elektor ISBN: 978-0-905705-80-4Other ARM-related Books Teaching Materials Teaching Slides ARM Processors and Architectures Comprehensive Overiew - 2012 ARM Processors and Architectures Fundamentals Lab Manuals and Exercises Lab Exercises for Cortex-M4 Freescale Kinetis using Keil MDK Lab Exercises for Cortex-M0+ Freescale Freedom KL25Z Board Application Notes for Students and Faculty AN234: Migrating from PIC Microcontrollers to Cortex-M Other Projects and Resources Variety of Resources and Middleware from onARM - Ideas for Design Projects Other ARM Projects
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These are the 2015 Freescale Cup Worldwide Challenge Rules. The Finals will take place in Erlangen Germany on September 14-15, 2015. The Worldwide Rules are to be used for all challenges unless the University Programs Coordinator modifies the rules for your specific region. Update on Rules V6: highlighted the fact that no wireless connectivity is allowed during the race. Any wireless connectivity module must be removed before the technical inspection
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The file contains the rules for The NXP Cup EMEA 2016-2017 edition of the challenge. Revision 1 dated 13-Jul-2016 For any question :
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In this training video we will decompose an NTSC video signal to gaining understanding of how to capture video data from a "analog" camera.
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How to install a servo horn.  More specifically for the Freescale Cup kit. [no audio]
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Freescale Cup 2016 Worldwide Rules
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In this video we will look at the example code provided for the FRDM-TFC for use with Codewarrior.  
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Instructions There are several main hardware configuration steps. Once the USB cable has been connected between the evaluation board and PC, it may be necessary to update the chip firmware which requires moving a jumper pin on the evaluation board. Then, connect one end of the USB cable to the PC and the other end to the Power/OSJTAG mini-B connector on the TWRK60N512 module. Allow the PC to automatically configure the USB drivers if needed. Before updating the firmware, it is necessary to start a CodeWarrior Project. In this case, the easiest way to do this is to actually navigate to the sample project and click on the Sample.mcp file. This will open CodeWarior 2.8. Selection Project->Build Configurations->MK40X256VMD100_INTERNAL_FLASH Project-»Build All Run->Debug Configurations—> Use the Codewarrior download Filter and Select "PROJECTNAME_MK40XD256VMD100_INTERNAL_FLASH_PnE_OSJTAG" Additional step is required if the firmware is out of date: Firmware Upgrade Instructions (if needed)   Firmware may change after an evaluation board has been manufactured and shipped. As a result, an alert will be displayed during the first attempt to download software to the board. Follow the instructions carefully. 1.     Unplug the USB cable.   2.     Look for the jumper (On the REV B Board) labeled "OSBDM_IRQ" - it is jumper 35. It will be found between the on/off switch and to the right of the the white "Lin" connectors. Remove one of the "LED Enable" jumpers for this if you don't have a   header jumper handy and put the jumper on the OSBDM_IRQ header These LED Jumpers are just above the blue potentiometer knob and marked as "J27."   3.    Reconnect the USB cable and click OK.   4.     Wait for the new firmware to download. 5.     A new dialog will appear when the process is complete.  6.    Unplug the cable, remove the jumper, return it to the location it was "borrowed from" and reconnect the cable. 7.    Then click OK.
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This video will examine how can design speed sensing into their vehicle platform.   An example of magnet and sensor placement is shown.
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Click Here : To download the file with the files mentioned on the presentation.
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Using the logic described in part 2 of the linescan camera tutorial, the actual implementation of the interface will be showed. The example code for the FRDM-TFC shield will be used as a reference implementation of a completely interrupt driven camera interface.
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A examination of RC servos and their interface. Pulse width modulation will be reviews and a example configuration will be shown. View Video Link : 1465
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This document is addressed to the participants and visitors that will join us for The Freescale Cup 2015 Worldwide Finals 2015 The Freescale Cup 2015 Worldwide Finals will be held on 14-15 September 2015 at the Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Circuits (Fraunhofer IIS) in Erlangen, Germany. Full address is: Fraunhofer IIS Am Wolfsmantel 33 91058 Erlangen Germany Google Maps location The attendees official guide is now online at Agenda of the event for the participants (subject to change): Sunday September 13th: Arrival at Hotels Get together in the evening (approximate time 18:00) at A&O Hostel Monday September 14th: 8:30: Departure from Hotel for City Tour 11:30: Prepare for departure for Fraunhofer IIS 12:00: Buses depart for Fraunhofer IIS 13:00: Lunch 14:00: Opening session 15:00: Start of Practice 17:30: High School and Innovation Challenge Demos 18:00: End of Practice - Start of the evening event 21:00: End of evening event - boarding buses for return to hotel Tuesday September 15th: 8:00: Buses depart for Fraunhofer IIS 9:00: Practice 13:00: Technical Inspection & Lunch 14:30: Final Race 16:00: Awards Ceremony 17:30: Buses depart for Awards Dinner 20:30: Buses depart for Hotel The event will be presented via LiveCast by the Fraunhofer IIS. URL is  Hotel information: Students Hotel: Nuremberg Hostel - Stay at the A&O Hostel & Hotel Nuremberg  Google Maps Location Professors and Press Hotel: NH Nürnberg City Center hotel in Nuremberg Bahnhofstr. 17-19 | NH Hotel Group Google Maps Location Freescale will cover the cost of travel, accommodation and meals for the event for all Freescale Cup qualified teams and one faculty advisor per the rules in place. For Visa invitation letters, please contact or Travel booking will be organized by your regional Freescale University Program contact. Please have your faculty advisor get in touch with them for more information
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