Scheduling problem with T1040's USB host controller

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Scheduling problem with T1040's USB host controller

Contributor I


I'm using T1040’s USB host controller to access a Full Speed (USB 1.1) device.

Here is (very) basically how our periodic transfer descriptors are built:

TD    EP#   EP Type   MaxLen S-mask C-mask

siTD1 EP3   ISO OUT    184    0x01   0x04

siTD2 EP2   ISO OUT    112    0x02   0x08

siTD3 EP6   ISO IN      16    0x04   0x10

qhTD4 EP7   INT OUT     64    0x04   0x10

qhTD5 EP8   INT IN      64    0x04   0x30

qhTD6 EP4   INT IN       8    0x08   0x20

stTD7 EP5   ISO IN     392    0x10   0xC0

and how they are chained together :

siTD1->next_link_ptr  = siTD2 | UEH_CT_TYPE_siTD;

siTD2->next_link_ptr  = siTD3 | UEH_CT_TYPE_siTD;

siTD3->next_link_ptr  = qhTD4 | UEH_CT_TYPE_qhTD;

qhTD4->horiz_link_ptr = qhTD5 | UEH_CT_TYPE_qhTD;

qhTD5->horiz_link_ptr = qhTD6 | UEH_CT_TYPE_qhTD;

qhTD6->horiz_link_ptr = siTD7 | UEH_CT_TYPE_siTD;

The USB device is a custom card for which I expect 7 transactions in one frame (see pic1.jpg in attachment. Time slots 0/1000/2000 are where we observe the SOF)

But what I observe if different (see pic2.jpg in attachment). It appears that:

  • S-mask and C-mask are not respected (same result is obtained with all S-mask=0x01 and all C-mask=0x04)
  • EP6 and EP5 (both isochronous input data) are delayed in next frame

What does explain this behavior?

Can we force USB host controller to respect the specified scheduling?

If it could help, pic3.jpg is an overview of how we configured USB HC (without connected device here).

I'll be very grateful for any help !


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4 Replies

NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Your pictures show that the T1040 USB controller does not have possibilites for sending three start-split transactions and one complete-split transaction at microframe 2.

Change S-mask for EP6 and EP5 to 0x20 or 0x40.

Change also C-mask for these endpoints.

Have a great day,
Pavel Chubakov

Note: If this post answers your question, please click the Correct Answer button. Thank you!

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Contributor I

Also, just to demonstrate that S-mask is unused, look at pic2. EP7's S-mask = 0x04, so EP7 transaction should not start before the third micro-frame. Yet we can see at pic2 that EP7 transaction starts during the second micro-frame!

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Contributor I

Hi Pavel,

Thanks a lot for your interest!

I've just tried what you suggested. So here is my new configuration:

TD    EP#   EP Type   MaxLen S-mask C-mask

siTD1 EP3   ISO OUT    184    0x01   0x00

siTD2 EP2   ISO OUT    112    0x02   0x00

siTD3 EP6   ISO IN      16    0x04   0x10

qhTD4 EP7   INT OUT     64    0x04   0x10

qhTD5 EP8   INT IN      64    0x08   0x20

qhTD6 EP4   INT IN       8    0x08   0x20

stTD7 EP5   ISO IN     392    0x10   0xC0

Unfortunately, as explained above, changing S-mask and C-mask has absolutely no impact. I obtain exactly the same result!

I've also tried to change the way my TDs are chained.


     EP5 -> EP6 -> EP3 -> EP2 -> EP7 -> EP8 -> EP4

I obtain:

     EP5 -> EP6 -> EP7 -> EP8 -> EP4 for the first frame

     EP3 -> EP2 for the second frame


     EP3 -> EP6 -> EP5 -> EP2 -> EP7 -> EP8 -> EP4

I obtain:

     EP3 -> EP6 -> EP5 -> EP7 -> EP8 -> EP4 for the first frame

     EP2 for the second frame

I guess that:

- because I use the USB HC's internal Transactions Translator (TT), the HC does not care about S-mask and C-mask (it directly deals with full speed and it doesn't need to send split packets)

- the USB HC decides by itself to postpone some transactions. I guess that it manages priority thus it only accepts ISO transactions that are set first, up to a maximum size or number (or another resource), then it deals with INT transactions.

May I be wrong?

How to learn about these limitations?

How to change or control this behavior?

Best regards


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Contributor I

Here is also in attachment the USB HC registers view once my device is connected.

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