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Reading the documentation, it appears that I can set the SW2 switch to cause this to happen.
The documentation also seems to say that SW3 has a switch setting that does this but they seem redundant.
It looks like an error in a recent documentation update.
Anyway, I tried changing the SW2 settings with an SD card inserted, on to which I had copied the PBL.bin file I got from the QorIQ PBL configuration tool bundled with the 1.9 SDK.
This didn't seem to work. Do I need to do something like write the bin file directly onto the sd card with dd? Is there documentation explaining this?
thanks for your attention to this matter, and best regards!
解決済! 解決策の投稿を見る。

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1) Required RCW modification is possible by means of the PBL Tool of the QorIQ Configuration and Validation Suite for the CodeWarrior:
2) To test the requested configuration when RCW is taken from the SD card and booting is preformed from NOR Flash it is possible to use attached RCW (PBL_SD.bin) and write it to an SD card by the following U-Boot command:
mmc write 1000000 8 1
(assuming that it has been previously downloaded to 0x1000000) - in my case it is:
tftp 1000000 /T4240RDB/PBL_SD.bin
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One more question -- I used the bin file you attached to write an SD card, and when I boot using that SD card, I get into uboot but I get errors about SERDES misconfiguration and the ethernet ports are not available. What am I doing wrong -- do I need to upgrade the uboot that is installed on the board?

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It will be more convenient to investigate the issue as a technical case:
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OK, I have applied for an account in the support ticket system and am awaiting the confimation email...

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1) Required RCW modification is possible by means of the PBL Tool of the QorIQ Configuration and Validation Suite for the CodeWarrior:
2) To test the requested configuration when RCW is taken from the SD card and booting is preformed from NOR Flash it is possible to use attached RCW (PBL_SD.bin) and write it to an SD card by the following U-Boot command:
mmc write 1000000 8 1
(assuming that it has been previously downloaded to 0x1000000) - in my case it is:
tftp 1000000 /T4240RDB/PBL_SD.bin
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Fantastic, thank you, that's exactly what I needed!
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Thank you! That document seems to talk about ALSO booting from the SD card; I'd like to just modify the RCW settings, not boot. Is it possible to do only this, or do I have to also put uboot on the SD card?
In other words, my T4240RDB currently runs uboot from onboard flash memory, and I'd like to continue doing that, but also modify the RCW settings with an SD card. Is that possible, or

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When SW3[4]=ON, RCW is taken from SD card.
Reference (3.3.3 SW3 switch):
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I eventually figured that out. The document has a table titled "SW2 Settings", but the last row of that table of SW2 settings is in fact an SW3 setting.
The SW3 settings table is mostly about selecting which bank of flash to use, and the last line about selecting the sd versus eprom source seems out of place and seems to contradict the SW2 table. This should really be cleaned up and clarified.
So, I tried setting SW3 pin 4 with my SD card in place, and the machine failed to boot.
How does the SD card need to be formatted? Can I just place the .bin file on a FAT formatted sd card?
Does the bin file need to have any special name? I used the PBL.bin file I got out of the QCVS "processor expert" tool.
Or do I need to copy the bin file contents directly onto the SD card media using the unix 'dd' command?
Is this actually documented anywhere?

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> Is this actually documented anywhere?
In the SDK 1.9 Documentation.
Online version is available at: