I have 2 USB dongles for Codewarrior, but with my recent upgrade to 10.7, the dongles do not work. Is there something different to install and initialize the dongles for 10.7? The dongles worked fine with 6.xx and also 10.1.
Thanks, Jim
FLEXlm v8.4a
FLEXlm diagnostics on Wed 6/14/2017 15:55
License file: C:\FLEXlm\license.dat
"Win32_CWIDE_Limited" v5.5, vendor: metrowks
uncounted nodelocked license locked to NOTHING (hostid=ANY) no expiration date
This is the correct node for this node-locked license
"BeanWizard" v1.000, vendor: metrowks
uncounted nodelocked license, locked to "FLEXID=9-44F5DF5C" no expiration date
This is the correct node for this node-locked license