You have been redirected to this page because your ID is INACTIVE in Flexera. Please Activate your account to proceed. If you believe you have reached this page in error, please contact NXP® Technical Support.
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Good Morning,
I was trying to download the MCUExpresso IDE and received the following message:
You have been redirected to this page because your ID is INACTIVE in Flexera. Please Activate your account to proceed.
How do I re-activate my account?
Thank you,
Gordon Margulieux
I have the same problem as other people mentioned before.
"You have been redirected to this page because your ID is INACTIVE in Flexera"
This message keeps pop-up.
Please reactivate my account.
Same issue for me while trying to donload LPCXPRESSO: LPCXpresso IDE v8.2.2.
"You have been redirected to this page because your ID is INACTIVE in Flexera. Please Activate your account to proceed. "
Can I please get some help.