Size of app exceeds license?

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Size of app exceeds license?

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Contributor III

I'm following the the TWR-K60N512 Quick Start Demo Lab Guide for MQX 3.7 Rev 3.


I installed CW10.1 evaluation version, which I'm assuming is a 30-day pass to build up to a full 512K.  I followed all steps in the guide (build all libs, etc.).  Then after building the TWR-K60N512_Quick_Start_Demo project, I keep getting two errors:


  • make: *** [K60_QSD.afx] Error 1
  • Size of application has exceeded the capability of this license.  Contact your authorized...

I check the Freescale Licenses from the Help pull down, and see no licenses lists (as expected, I guess).  All buttons other than the close button grayed out.


I'm just trying to get on first base here, so any help would be greatly appreciated.


Also, since I'll eventually buy a license, any recommendations on which license to buy?  I'm a single individual developer that needs to build on a desktop and occasionally on a laptop.  Cost is a concern but I need to build for large memory.


Thanks in advance!



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1 Solution
Contributor III

Didn't see anything in documentation indicating that the evaluation version needs to be activated through downloading a license file and copying to the install directory.  That's what cured the problem.


Hmmm, I like this concept:  post a question, wait for several days of no activity, conduct more intense research, try a few things until something works, then post the solution.


I think I'll try this with getting the PE virtual COM port working.  Oh wait, someone else is already doing this, but they haven't yet arrived at the answer [themselves].


Are these forums being monitored actively be Freescale?  Yikes...

View solution in original post

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11 Replies
Contributor III

Didn't see anything in documentation indicating that the evaluation version needs to be activated through downloading a license file and copying to the install directory.  That's what cured the problem.


Hmmm, I like this concept:  post a question, wait for several days of no activity, conduct more intense research, try a few things until something works, then post the solution.


I think I'll try this with getting the PE virtual COM port working.  Oh wait, someone else is already doing this, but they haven't yet arrived at the answer [themselves].


Are these forums being monitored actively be Freescale?  Yikes...

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NXP Employee
NXP Employee


  CodeWarrior shouldn't require a license download to use the Evaluation version. It should have come pre-installed at C:\Program Files\Freescale\CW MCU v10.1\MCU\license.dat

  I've installed it on several machines and have not seen or heard of an issue with licensing that you encountered. I'm wondering if maybe it had something to do with running Windows 7 and having CW10 installed in the C:\Program Files directory?


  Regardless, what you ran into was a CodeWarrior bug, not a documentation issue. The online license registration is there only in case you accidently erased your license file and need a backup. I'm glad you were able to use that as a work-around however. And by filing a service request with the details of your system, it can get routed to the CW team and fixed so someone else doesn't run into this too, though again, it's a first for me. 



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Contributor II

How did you download a license.dat file? My free version haas the same / a similar problem. Everytime I buildd, license messages come up (2 / 3 or 4 times...). I can't find anywhere to get a registration ID from within CW when I try to register either - and to ice the cake the suport system just went down when I tried to put in a service request...


Help much appreciated. Using free code size limited version, not eval.

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Contributor III

After registering to download CW Evaluation Edition:


  • Goto My Freescale
  • Goto CodeWarrior Licensing
  • Select 'Extend Evaluation' from the 'Downloaded Evaluations' list
  • Enter Host ID for machine CW is installed on
  • Download and copy license file per instructions

Interestingly, my first go with this [as noted earlier in this forum post] was for an installation on my Mac Pro through VMware Fusion and Windows XP SP3.  I thought this was the issue, but worked around it using the above steps.  Recently I downloaded and installed a fresh copy on my Macbook Air, again with Windows XP SP3, but this time went as smooth as silk.  I checked for an installed license [through the Help menu item] and there it was, a 30-day trial license.


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Contributor I

I can't get the PE virtual COM port to work either, and I am using (or perhaps trying to use is more accurate) the PE Micro Terminal Window utility, with the USB COM port selected, at 115200 baud, No parity, and 8 bits.


I am pretty sure that my TWR-K60N512 Tower hardware is working, because this DID work right after I took the Tower out of the box when I first got it. It quit working right after I followed the steps in the Quick Start Lab to build my own Tower demo project. Note that all of the OTHER Tower demos still work find (the touch sensors, the web server, the mouse demo through USB ...)


Could there be an issue with something in user_config.h not being enabled? Or did my Tower board just happen to develop a hardware issue?

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Specialist I

I am sorry you had a negative experience. From the sounds of it, you did what anyone would do while awaiting an answer: use the forum search feature to see who else has had this problem. An alternate course of action would have been to file on on-line service request from the support web page.


If the critical information for adding that license file is missing from the documentation, you need to file a service request so that the error can be brought to our attention. You can click here to do that, and select Documentation as the Category and Error Report for the topic. (Several years ago, I used to assist in writing the documetation and made sure that the licensing information was in there. It's possible that by accident something got deleted or overlooked.)


If you are struggling with Processor Expert, you need to go the Processor Export forum, located here:


I helped set that forum up just last week so developers would have a place to go for PE problems.


Again, I am sorry your problem got overlooked.




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Contributor III

Words taken directly from the CodeWarrior 10.1 Getting Started Guide (CW_MCU_10.1_QS):


NOTE Evaluation Edition: The Evaluation Edition license is automatically installed with your product and you do not need to register it. This license allows you to develop projects as Professional Edition within the 30-day evaluation period. After 30 days, the license works as Special Edition license (free permanent, but feature limited) which supports unlimited assembly code, up to 32KB of C code for HC(S)08/RS08 derivatives, up to 64KB of C code for ColdFire V1 derivatives and up to 128 KB of C code for ColdFire V2-V4 derivatives.


The guide's directions detail the installation procedure, and even go as far as mentioning the requirement to register in order to download the product.  With the above text included, one would think there are no more steps involving licensing, other than extending to 90 days I guess.


On another note, my mention of PE virtual COM port not working is not referring to the Processor Expert.  This is the Kinetis toolkit from PE Microcomputer Systems (OSJTAG stuff).


I too had the virtual COM port working when first playing around with the K60 Tower Kit.  I followed the recommendation and procedure for updating the the latest OSJTAG firmware from PE Micro.  From that point on, the virtual COM port stopped working, although debugging with OSJTAG continues to work fine.  Subsequently jumping between differently firmware versions and utility app versions didn't help.


I consider this functionality as baseline to establishing a reliable development system.  If the basic stuff has problems, how can I be sure if my multitasking application has a bug vs. actually being a problem with the toolchain.  I always advise my project leads to be absolutely sure they have a solid baseline development system with no unexplained quirky behavior before embarking on a complex solution.  I've been bitten with man/months of wasted resources on problems with undocumented toolchain bugs and silicon errata.


Thanks for reading my coffee induced rant - although I think my concerns are legitimate.


Still looking forward to working with the otherwise incredible Kinetis portfolio!

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Contributor I

I have an update on the PE virtual COM port not working issue.


Yesterday I tried following the instructions for fixing the OSBDM as laid out in Section 8 of the "TWR-K60N512 Quick Start Demo, Lab Guide for MQX 3.7", Rev. 3.


These instructions say that the Tower board "should enumerate as a composite device, with one driver for debugging, and the other as a serial port." These devices are:


1. "PEMicro USB Serial Port (j1)"

2. "Open Source BDM - Debug Port"


These instructions further warn that "if you only see it enumerate as the Open Source BDM Debug Port, then your computer may automatically picking up an outdated driver."


My system had only the Debug Port, and did not have the Serial Port, so I followed the instructions for installing new device drivers. I used the drivers that were on the CD that came with the Tower board.


I had success! The serial port worked! I could type commands into the PE Micro terminal window, and get actual responses from the shell. This was yesterday, June 22, 2011, at approximately 2pm EDT.


Then I made a small change to the Tower Quick Start C code. My change worked fine, but the serial port quit working, and has not worked since, even after backing out my change, rebooting the Tower and my PC, reinstalling drivers, again and again and again, ...


All of the devices enumerate now (they did not before the driver installation adventures) but the serial port STILL DOES NOT WORK. PE Micro Terminal Window application v2.01 says that the port is open (it used to not connect to it at all) but there is never any data transfer anymore. If I put a breakpoint in shell_task (in SDCard_Task.c) on the printf statement inside the endless for ( ; ; ) loop the breakpoint hits, so it would appear that the "Shell" function is continually returning. I do not know enough about CW or MQX yet to figure out what is going on inside of "Shell", but I am learning.


I would much rather be spending my time adding USB Mass Storage Device support to the Tower demo, so that I can see the contents of the SD card from my PC as an additional disk drive, and not trying to fix this problem.


One of you Freescale types, such as Crasycat or Jim Trudeau, needs to respond to this ASAP.

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Contributor III

I spent another 2-3 hours this afternoon on this and observed various states of driver enumeration, but never have I got the PE virtual COM port to work again.  I even compiled a completely different program that uses the same port and settings - nada.


At one point I considered simply changing to UART1 and go through the TWR-SER serial port, but couldn't find where the STDOUT UART port was defined in the lab code.


In the end, I fired up a NXP Mbed module (LPC1768), re-targetted my code and she worked perfectly in 5 minutes...

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Contributor V



I'll get someone to reach out and help.  Have you already filed a service request?  Apparently in our desires to add lots of features and virtual uarts we've confused ourselves and subsequently you our customer  This is valuable feedback and we'll get it sorted out.  




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Contributor III

Looks like a solution was found - please see the following post:



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