I hope all is great with you. Thank you for using the NXP communities.
First, please note that this device is obsolete. Let me know if you need a further recommendation for a replacement device.
The sensitivity of the device is mentioned on the chapter 3.4 from the datasheet:
No additional calculation is needed, just the signed decimal value from the 10-bit digital output multiplied by the sensitivity (g/LSB) and you get the acceleration in Gs. Note that the acceleration is given in LSB/g so you need to calculate the reciprocal.
Example: reciprocal(4.096 LSB/g) x 480 LSB = 117.19 g (trimmed for maximum range)
I hope this information helps.
Thank you for using the NXP community.
In that case, those values are related to the thresholds to be used by the arming function. Refer to Section 4.8.9 at datasheet for more details regarding the arming function.
I hope this information helps.
Thank you for reaching out to us.
I am afraid that both the range and sensitivity are fixed.
Please let me know if you need a further recommendation for a replacement device.