ISF2P2_K22F_MQX_SF_PROJ Outputting Incorrect Data?

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ISF2P2_K22F_MQX_SF_PROJ Outputting Incorrect Data?

Contributor IV

Hello, Using KDS 3.2.0 and SDK 1.2.0. I followed all the steps to update KDS and update Processor Expert with ISF2P2_PEx.PEupd. I know the hardware is ok because when I download FSFK-K22F-AGM01-GL-NED.bin (from the Sensor Fusion GUI) to flash the board the GUI display works great!


However, when I program the board with the SF2P2_K22F_MQX_SF_PROJ the GUI does not display the board orientation properly because the data being sent to the GUI is not right. Here is a screen shot using the "working program", FSFK-K22F-AGM01-GL-NED.bin:



And below is a ("not working") screen shot using ISF2P2_K22F_MQX_SF_PROJ:


The Inclination Delta should be 66.7 degrees and the Field Strength is 55.2uT for my location. The working program matches these values almost exactly but ISF2P2_K22F_MQX_SF_PROJ is way off with an Inclination Delta at 45.4 degrees. I also noticed that the hard iron vector is different between the two, and should be about the same since it is the same hardware. Right?


I could go on comparing screen shots, but the point is that something is not right. The Gyro Stabilized Compass is not working correctly at all. North is not anywhere near North and when the board is moved the displayed motion does not reflect the motion of the hardware.


Q1. Has anyone gotten ISF2P2_K22F_MQX_SF_PROJ to work properly?

Q2. Regarding the .bin I mentioned above (FSFK-K22F-AGM01-GL-NED.bin) that works great. Is the project that  generated that file available?

Q3. Is there a Gyro Stabilized Compass example that uses Bare Metal?




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3 Replies

Contributor IV

Hey Dave, Sorry for the delay in getting back. I was stuck again for a few hours with not being able to launch the debugger in KDS. I was getting the familiar, "error in services launch sequence". This time the cure was to kill the P&E Multilink GDB Server: pegdbserver_console in windows task manager. And voila, it works again. Whew!

I was not using Freedom Sensor Toolbox Rev 2.3.2. However, I did try that one and the results are the same.



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NXP Employee
NXP Employee


I just looked at the ISF SF build with one of our other engineers, and confirm I am seeing weirdness in a couple places.  I don't like the gyro numbers and magnetic buffer updating doesn't look right to me.  If you are in a hurry, I would suggest you download the "standalone" sensor fusion V5.00 release at  That is the version that was used to build the binaries that the Sensor Fusion Toolbox flashes to the board.

In the meantime, we'll dig into the ISF implementation issues and get back with you when we know more.


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NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Hi Mark,

I assume you are running the Freedom Sensor Toolbox Rev 2.3.2 that is shown on the Downloads tab at  We also provide a stand-alone open source version of the Sensor Fusion and a stand-alone GUI, but it doesn't work with ISF 2.2 at this point.


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