Get the ssscli tool to work without python

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Get the ssscli tool to work without python

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Contributor II


I'm trying to connect the Azure IoT Hub to my Android system which includes NXP Se050E over I2C.

I already succeeded to run the demo with ex_sss_ecc.c file and sign using the NXP HSM.

Now I want to do the IoT HUB part.

According to your great tutorial, I need to create the certificate by the following commands:
a. Send > ssscli connect se050 t1oi2c 0.
b. Send > ssscli get cert 0xF0000101 ./device_cert.cer.
c. Send > ssscli refpem ecc pair 0xF0000100 ./reference_key.pem.
d. Send > ssscli disconnect.

Since I saw all the examples of the ssscli using python scripts, I didn't find a good way to run it on Android environment.
Is there an alternative ssscli tool, dedicated to c++ code?
If not, is there an example of how can I generate the certificate and the key by the c++ sss api?


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1 Solution
NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hi @nehadad ,


Yes, we provide another demo to fetch the cert in "simw-top\demos\se05x\se05x_GetCertificate", as well as a tool to create ref key file in "simw-top\demos\se05x\seTool", you may refer to "simw-top/doc/demos/se05x/seTool/Readme.html" for more details.


Hope that helps,


Have a great day,

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2 Replies
NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hi @nehadad ,


Yes, we provide another demo to fetch the cert in "simw-top\demos\se05x\se05x_GetCertificate", as well as a tool to create ref key file in "simw-top\demos\se05x\seTool", you may refer to "simw-top/doc/demos/se05x/seTool/Readme.html" for more details.


Hope that helps,


Have a great day,

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Contributor II
Thanks a lot!
I'll try it
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