1. In S32K144 FMEDA Core part, there are modules like: Miscellaneous Control Module (MCM), System Mode Controller (SMC), Reset Control Module(RCM), and Test Logic. What’s the function of these modules. MCM, SCM, and RCM are single point failures, but without safety mechanisms. What are the corresponding failure modes and how to handle/consider them?
2. In S32K144 FMEDA Clock part, there is module SCG, what’s the difference with XOSC and PLL? What’s the function of PCC, SIM and CCM modules? And these modules are single point failures, but without safety mechanisms. What are the corresponding failure modes and how to handle/consider them?
Why these moudles are signle point failure? such as RCM, this is only registers for reset sources indicaiton and reset parameters e.g. delay time settings.
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