@Senlent ,
I'm trying to configure some PWM output signals in EMIOS 0 and EMIOS 1 instances to generate up t0 20KHz frequency.
S32 Design Studio for S32 Platform
Version: 3.5
S32k312 evaluation board
Below are my configurations screen shots for reference
Currently, global clock for EMIOS 0 and 1 are 160 MHz.
For testing, I tried to generate 1000 Hz and 50 % duty cycle. The scope result is not as expected. Only duty cycle is correct and frequency is not correctly displayed.
#define PWM_CLOCK_FREQUENCY (120000000U)
#define PWM_PRESCALAR (3U)
pwm_Frequency = 1000U;
Pwm_Period[pwm_ChannelId] = (PWM_DIV_FREQUENCY/pwm_Frequency);
Pwm_DutyCycle[pwm_ChannelId] = ((Pwm_Period[pwm_ChannelId] * pwm_DutyCycle)/100);
Below API's are called in the code for frequency & duty cycle.
Emios_Pwm_Ip_SetPeriod(INSTANCE_0, Emios_Pwm_Ip_I0_Ch0.ChannelId, Pwm_au16Period[pwm_ChannelId]);
Emios_Pwm_Ip_SetDutyCycle(INSTANCE_0, Emios_Pwm_Ip_I0_Ch0.ChannelId, Pwm_DutyCycle[pwm_ChannelId]);
Also, what is the purpose of Emios_Mcl_Ip_SetCounterBusPeriod() API. Do we need to call one time on initialization or every time when new frequency and duty cycle are called.
Please let me know if anything configured incorrectly
Thank you,
Thank you so much for your interest in our products and for using our community.
1s -> 120MHz (120,000,000 ticks)
1kHz = (1/1,000)s
->120,000,000 *(1/1,000) = 120,000 ticks
But the max ticks is 65534.
What you can do is reduce PWM_CLOCK_FREQUENCY to archive lower PWM frequencies.
On the other hand S32K312 Examples are included in S32DS 3.4 with RTD 2.x.x. You can have multiple IDEs.
Hope it helps you.
Have a nice day!