It could send slave device address OK, but slave device not response ACK, and the function
I2c_LPI2C_MasterSyncSend() first enter loop could run to section
I2c_LPI2C_au8CurrentIndex[u8Channel]++; but second loop run into function I2c_LPI2C_MasterErrorHandler()
/* Log the error and it will be checked during the sync transfer or in the DMA transfer */ I2c_LPI2C_au8ErrorsFound[u8Channel] = 0x1U; so cause the code ran at
I2c_aeChannelStatus[s8LogicalChannel] = I2C_CH_ERROR_PRESENT; return E_NOT_OK,break out. Is there some MCAL IIC sample application demo can reference,and how to figure out the problem before. Thank you!