S32K142: After Porting from 100 pin package to 64 pin package Software stuck at startup code
Bellow procedure followed to port 100 pin configuration to 64 pin configuration.
How to change package on S32DS Processor Expert
Software stuck at startup code:
As far as I know the 64 pins has a smaller ram size. This means that you have to manually change linker file.
Please do these steps:
1. Right click on your project and select Proprieties
2. Select C/C++ Build -> Settings-> Standard S32DS C Linker
3. Add the right linker file
Please don't add the same linker file as on this picture because I don't know which release you are using. You have to check the linker files available in your release. I think it should be something line S32K142_16_ram/flash.ld.
Best regards,
Hi Daniel Carlquist
The change of package in the Processor expert setup only gives you the ability to configure those pins, it shouldn't be related to the memory distribution and bss zero-initialized data section.
Could you verify that the linker file that you are using does have the memory sizes of the S32K chip that you are using? Also, only to verification, could you check what are the values of bss_start and bss_end in the while loop where you are stuck?
Have a great day,
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