I am using S32DS for development, (Target S32K148).
Is it possible to control the below compiler flags locally for few files? instead of global? How to achieve this in S32DS?
I would like disable pedantic for few files and enable for rest of the files. How to achieve this?
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Unless some new S32DS version, indeed it is supported. Right click on any source file, then properties, navigate to compiler or preprocessor options and adjust them like you want. After mods done you should see key symbol above files that have special settings. To reset settings to project common settings right click again, then Resource Configuration -> Reset to default, check files which you want to reset to common settings and hit OK.
Unless some new S32DS version, indeed it is supported. Right click on any source file, then properties, navigate to compiler or preprocessor options and adjust them like you want. After mods done you should see key symbol above files that have special settings. To reset settings to project common settings right click again, then Resource Configuration -> Reset to default, check files which you want to reset to common settings and hit OK.
This is not directly supported in S32DS.
What you can do is to do workaround like create multiple projects (typically few libraries) and the link them to the main project.
Best regards,