How to use CAN RX Filter
I need to use CAN RX Filter as attached.
However, when I checked the exam. code, it was used ID list mode(32 units).
I should use 60 of CAN ID, ID list was made 32 by example code.
So I want to know how to use CAN RX filter because the application has to use 60 units of ID in CAN network.
Could you let me know how to use CAN RX Filter or example code of Filter?
I can recommend to either
1. configure the MB to receive all IDs and do SW filtering. You need to clear mask register to receive all IDs
2. use the RXFIFO and define desired ID elements in the Filter table. The CAN PAL driver description gives a guide how to use the RXFIFO, see e.g. S32 Design Studio instalation folder .../S32DS/S32SDK_S32K14x_RTM_2.0.0/doc/html/group__can__pal.html
BR, Petr