Hi there,
I'm trying to import "S32K14X_CSEC_MCAL4_0_RTM_1_0_4_Sample_Application" to EB Tresos(21.0.0), but suffer some issues:
1 "load configuration" reports below error logs: (11061) Plug-in with a module "Mcu_TS_T40D2M1012R0" is not installed - cannot create module configurations for project"Sample_App_S32K14x" ..
2 launch.bat failed with below error:
(11061) Plug-in with a module "Mcu_TS_T40D2M1012R0" is not installed - cannot create module configurations for project"Sample_App_S32K14x" I tried several different version of gcc ,all failed: gcc-arm-none-eabi-6-2017-q2-update-win32 gcc-arm-none-eabi-4_9-2015q3-20150921-win32 C:\NXP\S32DS_ARM_v1.3\Cross_Tools\gcc-arm-none-eabi-4_9
below is the content of my launch.bat
if I comment "CCOPT += -farcalls" in "C:\NXP\AUTOSAR\S32K14X_CSEC_MCAL4_0_RTM_1_0_4\S32K14X_CSEC_MCAL4_0_RTM_1_0_4_Sample_Application\make..."
then another error occurs:
./cfg/src/CDD_Mcl_Cfg.c:79:21: fatal error: CDD_Mcl.h: No such file or directory
pls find the detail error info from attachment, thanks~
Hi qpzhang,
1. About the issue of plugins
Basically due to the sample app is using the different version of MCAL than your current using MCAL, so the EB Tresos can't find the folder.
I see the name of module Mcu_TS_T40D2M1012R0, i guess it will different name with your Mcu plugins in the current package, that's why the project can't be built.
Solution is you should use the Sample APP matching with correct MCAL package
Or you create a new project with your current package
2. About the lauch file
Firstly, you have to complete all configurations and and done generation code.
Then you need to use the correct tools/environments which be mentioned in Release note.
Please be aware that you have to use "/" instead of "\" for all the links that you input.
And to avoid risks, please do not put SPACE symbol in the links that you located tools/enviroments.
Please let me know if you have any further information.
Thank you,