How do ADC and PDB interconnect?
1. Is PDB0 connected to ADC0 by default, and is PDB1 connected to ADC1?
2. When PDB0, ADC1 and PDB1, ADC1 have been initialized, will there be interference without any settings?
3. At present, I set the PDB0 back-to-back mode to trigger ADC0, but the same setting method is used in PDB1 and ADC1, the program will crash. What is the reason? How to solve it?
which device you have in fact?
e.g. for S32K144 answers could be
1. yes, it is.
2. they are independent unless back-to-back mode is used and SIM_CHIPCTL[PDB_BB_SEL] is set. In that case PDB back-to-back chain forms PDB0-PDB1 ring.
3. not sure, do not know your setting. Some example can be found at https://community.nxp.com/t5/S32K-Knowledge-Base/Example-S32K144-PDB-ADC-DMA-S32DS-ARM-2018-R1/ta-p/...
BR, Petr
HI Petrs,
Now ADC1 can be linked with PDB1, but ADC1 is changed from FTM3 trigger to PDB1 trigger and it is down.
How can ADC1 switch from FTM3 trigger to PDB1 trigger? What steps are required?
if you meant you want to have ADC1 triggered by FTM3 via PDB1, then you need
- enable output trigger on FTM3
- route this trigger to PDB input using TRGMUX
- configure PDB1 to generate pre-triggers and trigger to ADC1
BR, Petr
Hi Petrs,
Thanks for your response.
However,The Real Problem is Change the trigger mode of ADC1 during program running. For example, during initialization, ADC1 triggered by FTM3 via PDB1. After running to a specific condition, it needs to change from the previous trigger mode to the back-to-back mode of PDB1 to trigger ADC1,.
one of the two Running alone, I can achieve the purpose of triggering ADC1, but I can't switch between the two. If I change from FTM3 trigger to PDB1b back-to-back trigger, it will cause downtime. How to solve it?