Enable GPIO pin interrupt S32K144 MCU
I would like to enable the interrupt for particular GPIO pin. I want ISR to get triggered when there is change in value on particular GPIO pin.
For example, how can I trigger ISR for below GPIO pin ? Also guide me what changes are required in below pin mux settings?
here is similar example using current SDK version. This example is for S32K148, but the configuration is almost the same as for S32K144 https://community.nxp.com/docs/DOC-343587
Hope it helps.
Hello Jiri
I'm still getting these errors and not clearly able to make out what changes in Processor Expert.
I selected Continue Loading
Can you tell how to rectify this issue .
Or tell me which module in PE to add and hoe to alter it to make GPIO to be handled by an Interrupt
Thank you
Hello Jiri
I followed the software update procedure. It fails as soon as it reaches around 80%.
So can you instead tell me what all changes I must do in the PE.
I will set my GPIO as my input and later to generate ISR for it, what changes I must make in my interrupt manager and Clock manager to get the settings done right?
Thank you
Sushma Mantagani
Hello Jiri
I'm able to hit the interrupt, but it's not getting cleared.
I have done the PE settings as below
The code is as follows:
Kindly help me clear the interrupt, once voltage given to the PORT E 3 is pulled down or no voltage is given.
PINS_DRV_ClearPinIntFlagCmd(PORTE,3); doesn't seem to work
Thank you
Sushma Mantagani
sorry for delay, the tread is not showing at the top and I missed update. Well, there is nothing special - this is how the pin is cofigured (in my case PORTC, pin 13):
And this is main.c:
When SW4 is pressed out, interrupt is invoked and program stops on breakpoint in interrupt handler.
It seems that you have pull down enabled, is't this feature caused your issue?
Hi Mohan,
select pin functionality ...
then within a code enable interrupt for PORTE
and add interrupt handler code
void PORTE_IRQHandler(void)
PINS_DRV_ClearPinIntFlagCmd(PORTE, 16);
PINS_DRV_TogglePins(PTD, (1<<16));