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**************************************************************************************** Detailed Description: This is a rather simple example that shows LPI2C0 in Master mode. MPL3115A2 sensor is used as a slave device. I2C bus at PTA2 SDA, PTA3 SCL (2-pin open drain mode), external pull-up resistors on BRKTSTBC-P3115 board. BRKTSTBC-P3115 supplied from P3V3 (J3.7). Baud rate 400kHz, source SIRCDIV2 8MHz. The master reads periodically MPL3115A2 status register (every 200ms) and temperature / altitude data once they are ready. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Test HW: S32K144EVB-Q100, BRKTSTBC-P3115 MCU: S32K144 0N57U IDE: S32DSR1, OpenSDA Target: internal_FLASH ****************************************************************************************
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******************************************************************************************************************************************** Detailed Description: This example shows use of RTC in VLPS mode. The MCU is put into the VLPS mode (Sleep-On-Exit). RTC alarm interrupt brings it to VLPR every 3s and toggles BLUE LED (PTD0). Since it works in the Sleep-On-Exit mode, after the ISR, the MCU goes to VLPS again without calling the WFI instruction. When BTN0 (S32K144 EVB) is pressed, the power mode switch from VLPS to VLPR and other way round. Interrupt is triggered on rising edge (PTC12), filtered by digital filter (clocked from LPO). In VLPR, RTC seconds interrupt is enabled as well and toggles RED LED (PTD15) in the ISR. RTC_CLKOUT (1Hz) and CLKOUT (bus_clk) can be monitored at PTD13 and PTD14 respectively. CLKOUT is not available in VLPS. The MCU needs to be power-cycled and run stand-alone. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Test HW: S32K144EVB-Q100 MCU: S32K 0N57U Debugger: S32DS_ARM_2.2, OpenSDA Target: internal_FLASH ********************************************************************************************************************************************
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Hi,     I would like to share with you the follow solution for S32K14x which could be attached while couldn't be re-programmed and stopped at RAM initializing.     If you met the issue as title, please check the SIM_CHIPCTL's value in IDE with attach function. Maybe you can find that the value is 0x0, which is not as default value after reset which is 0x0030_0000.     If you check the meaning on SIM_CHIPCTL, you can find that SRAMU and SRAML are retained across resets.  To solute the issue, you should add 'WRITE_LONG=00300000/40048004/ ;' in front of it the algorithm (it's better after reset) of freescale_s32k144f512m15_pflash_dflash_eeprom.arp which is at  'C:\NXP\S32DS_ARM_v20\eclipse\plugins\com.pemicro.debug.gdbjtag.pne_3.3.3.201712132114\win32\gdi\P&E\supportFiles_ARM\NXP\S32K1xx' After that, you can download your project as normal. Cheers! Oliver
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****************************************************************************************************************** Detailed Description: The example code shows CMP in Round-robin mode. CMP is clocked (125kHz) and triggered (80ms) by LPTMR, operates in VLPS. Input channels are CMP0_IN1 (PTA1), CMP0_IN2 (PTC4), CMP0_IN3 (PTE8), CMP0_IN4 (PTC3). The initial state of CMP outputs is 0 (Input analog pins < DAC input (Vin1/2)) The input pins are pulled down internally for debugging purposes. CPM will wake up the MCU if an input has changed. BLUE LED flashes 1x if CMP_IN1 has changed, 2x CMP0_IN2, 3x CMP0_IN3, 4x CMP0_IN4. After that, the MCU goes back to VLPS. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Test HW: S32144EVB-Q100X MCU: S32K144 (0N47T) Debugger: S32DS2.0, OpenSDA Target: internal_FLASH ******************************************************************************************************************
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******************************************************************************** Detailed Description: The S32K144 MCU is secure if SEC bits are set to non 0b10 value in Flash Secure Register (FSEC). And can be unsecure using either Mass Erase or Verify Backdoor Access Key command provided they are enabled, again indicated by bits KEYEN and MEEM in the FSEC register. The FSEC register is a read-only register and is loaded with the content of the flash security byte in the Flash Configuration Field located in program flash memory during the reset sequence. The configuration field holds the Backdoor comparison key as well and is configurable in startup_S32K144.S file. The attached example code shows use of Verify Backdoor Access Key flash command. The MCU is secured in the Flash configuration field and therefore once the application has been loaded the debugger does not have access to the MCU which must be run stand-alone. The state of the SEC bits is indicated by LEDs. The RED LED indicates the MCU is secure (SEC != 0b10) after reset. After a delay loop, the Verify Backdoor key command is executed which will unsecure the device and the LED will turn BLUE (SEC = 0b10). NOTE: The Verify Backdoor key command is executed from RAM to avoid simultaneous access to the PFlash block. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Test HW:      S32144EVB-Q100 MCU:           S32K144 0N47T Debugger:    S32DS1.3, OpenSDA Target:          internal_FLASH ******************************************************************************** 2.0     Sep-30-2017     Daniel ********************************************************************************
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******************************************************************************** Detailed Description: Configures the FlexCAN 0 to transmit and receive message into RXFIFO. LOOPBACK mode is enabled. Two IDs are set into RXFIFO ID table. DMA is configured to read the message from RXFIFO. Within DMA major interrupt the new message is send according to which Identifier Acceptance Filter was hit. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Test HW:         S32K144 EVB-Q100  MCU:             PS32K144HFVLL 0N77P  Fsys:            160MHz  Debugger:        Lauterbach  Target:          internal_FLASH ******************************************************************************** Revision History: 1.0     Sep-4-2017     Petr Stancik    Initial Version *******************************************************************************
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Greetings, if you want to use the open source EmbSysRegView plugin in your Eclipse environment: this article describes how to add the S32K CMSIS-SVD files to it: Adding CMSIS-SVD Files to EmbSysRegView 0.2.6.r192 and Eclipse Happy SVDing 🙂 Erich
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Welcome to the S32K Microcontrollers forum. Get expert advice from the NXP developer community. Our support team also monitors these forums to provide answers and take your feedback.   Anyone can read the discussions, but only registered NXP Community members can post questions and comments. Before you ask a question, please search the community to find if someone has already offered a solution. If you don’t see a solution, then ask the community your question. S32K Web page S32K Reference manual S32K Data sheet S32K Application notes and other documents S32K Evaluation Board S32 Design Studio IDE https://community.nxp.com/docs/DOC-334170 
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To accelerate S32K demand creation and support urgent evaluation requriement in Great China, we build one batch boards locally. These boards will only be given out to our potential opportunities for free. The boards are made by China local partner and verified by AE and FAE team. if you have any question on this kind of board, please go to China Auto CAS or Auto MCU marketing for support. 1. Board overview   2. Pinout 3. Test point 4. Block diagram 3. The main difference between NXP official S32K EVB and this FRDM-S32K144 board are OpenSDA firmware and CAN PHY The original OpenSDA firmware in this board is from MBED which is not supported by S32DS, thus we need to change to PEmicro OpenSDA firmware, and then we can use S32DS for development.   Unplug the USB cable (if attached). Press and hold the Reset button. Plug in a USB cable from a USB Host to the OpenSDA USB port. Release the RESET/Bootloader button. A removable drive will be visible in the host file system with a volume label of BOOTLOADER. Drag/drop or copy/paste attached firmware “DEBUG-FRDM-K64F_Pemicro_v108a_for_OpenSDA_v2.0.bin” into the removable drive. Unplug the USB cable and plug it in again. The OpenSDA application should now be running. The CAN physical is different. This board used standalone CAN PHY but not CAN SBC. Please refer SCH file for debug.   Original Attachment has been moved to: dmeo2.rar
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Where can I get s32k14x data sheet or reference manual???
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******************************************************************************** * Detailed Description: * * This example shows how to use the back-to-back mode of the PDB to trigger * sequence of ADC channels conversion. 4 PDB channel pre-triggers/triggers are * generated upon single PDB SW trigger. The first trigger is started by the PDB, * no delay is used. Next 3 triggers start after corresponding acknowledgment is * received from ADC. * * DMA is configured to read the ADC result registers. * Within DMA major interrupt the new conversion scan is started via PDB SW request. * * Converted data is used to change color of the EVB led based on Trimmer position. * * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Test HW:         FRDM-S32K144 * MCU:             PS32K144HFVLL 0N77P * Fsys:            160MHz * Debugger:        S32DS * Target:          internal_FLASH * ********************************************************************************
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******************************************************************************** * Detailed Description: * * This example shows how to init DMA for simple memory to memory copy. * Eight 16-bit values are copied upon SW start. * * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Test HW:         FRDM-S32K144 * MCU:             PS32K144HFVLL 0N77P * Fsys:            default * Debugger:        S32DS * Target:          internal_FLASH * ******************************************************************************** Original Attachment has been moved to: Example-S32K144-DMA-RAM2RAM-test-v1_0-S32DS.zip
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******************************************************************************** * Detailed Description: * This simple example shows how to force function to RAM memory in S32 Design * Studio and how to perform flash functions (Erase flash sector and Program * phrase command in this case). * * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Test HW:         FRDM-S32K144 * MCU:             PS32K144HFVLL 0N77P * Fsys:            default * Debugger:        Lauterbach Trace32 * Target:          internal_FLASH * ********************************************************************************
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