I would like to share with you the follow solution for S32K14x which could be attached while couldn't be re-programmed and stopped at RAM initializing.
If you met the issue as title, please check the SIM_CHIPCTL's value in IDE with attach function. Maybe you can find that the value is 0x0, which is not as default value after reset which is 0x0030_0000.
If you check the meaning on SIM_CHIPCTL, you can find that SRAMU and SRAML are retained across resets.
To solute the issue, you should add 'WRITE_LONG=00300000/40048004/ ;' in front of it the algorithm (it's better after reset) of freescale_s32k144f512m15_pflash_dflash_eeprom.arp which is at 'C:\NXP\S32DS_ARM_v20\eclipse\plugins\com.pemicro.debug.gdbjtag.pne_3.3.3.201712132114\win32\gdi\P&E\supportFiles_ARM\NXP\S32K1xx'
After that, you can download your project as normal.