S32G3_Resourceconflict between Bootloader,M core and A core

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S32G3_Resourceconflict between Bootloader,M core and A core

Contributor I

We are working on S32G399RDB3 board .

The bootloader is multicore configured .RM enabled and Rm_Init is done in SysDal Deinit list.

We are using both M core and A core , initially both cores were booting successfully.

But now we are facing two scenarios

1.From M core side we are using PFE and LLCE CAN and as we have to use ethernet on A core side we enabled PFE and  LLCE enabled for CAN from A core side. But after this we are observing Kernel panicking.

2.if we enable QSPI in A core, M core will run but A core is going to kernel panicking

Now one document from  NXP S32G_PFE_Master_Slave_Simple_Demo_V2_2023_5_23 says that to avoid resource conflict we have to do the Port and MCU initilaization from bootloader and not from M core application.

So I would like to understand that do we have to handle the port and mcu initializations in bootloader to avoid the above  mentioned conflicts.



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1 Reply

NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport


In general, all the resources being shared with multiple cores are to be initialized under the bootloader, to prevent multiple initializations under the system itself (once per core we might say).

An explanation is provided under the following community knowledge base:

S32G Bootloader Customzition - NXP Community

In which different examples are provided and general recommendations. This document will not cover all the related resource conflicts that could exist under S32G platform but will provide a general guideline for them.

Please, let us know.

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