Our board was set up Linux on A53 and RTOS on M7
1. is it possible to get data in "internal SRAM" from an application on A53, i know that IPCF can do this work, Is there any other way we can get it?
2. below capture was from memorymap within S32G2 Reference Manual, what is the usage of "s_ram_port*" in the S32G2_Memory_Map.xls, and where can i get some introduction/material about "A53 CC FlexNOC Slave port?
As you say, IPCF does what you are telling. We could recommend mimicking or taking what you need from what the IPCF module is doing, given that at this moment there is no documentation regarding an specific "write/read to SRAM from A53".
We could also recommend looking into "AN13024 - S32G Extended Resource Domain Controller (XRDC)" which may give a better understanding on the memory sharing/assignment on the S32G platform. This should be available under the S32G2 product page (link: S32G2 Safe and Secure Vehicle Network Processor | NXP Semiconductors)
Please, let us know if this information was helpful or not.