Hello Team,
I downloaded the S32K1xx unified bootloader demo_V2.1 but when I try to open the project I get an error.
Where can I download this related SDK? How could I fix this?
Hi maximillion,
Seems that you need to install S32 Design Studio for ARM 2018.R1 - Update 6 available
Best Regards,
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You may need to use S32 Design Studio for ARM 2018.R1
From the name of S32SDK_S32K14x_RTM_2.0.0 S32 Design Studio for ARM 2018.R1 - Update 6 available, it can be seen that this is for the 2018 version of S32DS, and S32DS v2.2 has not yet been released at that time.
The S32K1 SDK and IDE have been updated over the years. At present, the S32K1 SDK has been updated to RTM4.0.3 and the corresponding IDE has also been upgraded to S32 Design Studio for S32 Platform 3.4.
There is not much difference between S32DS 2018 and v2.2 in terms of usage. The S32K1 SDK corresponding to the two is only updated to RTM3.0.2 at the highest. Both use Processor Expert.
Other possibility is create new project in S32 Design Studio for ARM Version 2.2 and manually create Processor Expert configuration and add your existing sources into project. Unfortunately - the PE settings is not fully backward compatible.