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I need to add some values in a specific area of s32k144 memory. I'm using s32ds 2.2.
I added a new area definition to the linker as follows:
"m_appheader(RX) : ORIGIN = 0x00006800, LENGTH = 0x00000400"
In the main.c file I added the following line:
__atribute__ ((section(".appheader"))) const FLASH_APPHEADER_INFO APP_HEADER ={ ...DATA...};
The compilation runs without errors, the appheader appears in the map file, but when opening the hex or bin the data was not added. The entire appheader region is set to 0xFF.
Is there any configuration needed in the compilation so that this data is not removed?
解決済! 解決策の投稿を見る。
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I founded the problem.
I was just adding the appheader in the MEMORY field, the addition in the SECTION field was missing.
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I founded the problem.
I was just adding the appheader in the MEMORY field, the addition in the SECTION field was missing.

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I assume it has to do with your APP_HEADER being constant and thus the access to the .appheader region is being optimized away.
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I removed the "const" and it didn't work.
I also added an ''IF" to that const and it didn't work too.