There is no Executable File and the OSIF_TimeDelay(200) can not be compiler in my S32DS with GHS Compiler?

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There is no Executable File and the OSIF_TimeDelay(200) can not be compiler in my S32DS with GHS Compiler?

Contributor II


hardware: S32K144EVN-Q100 Board

IDE: S32 Design Studio for ARM Version:2018.R1 

Compiler: GHS

I create a new project,there are two  problems:


  •    1. In my project, the "Linker_Files" folder is not valid, and there is no Executable File in the Debug folder? Can you tell me how to solve?

  • 2.OSIF_TimeDelay(200); can not be compiler,what should I do to solve the problem?


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NXP Employee
NXP Employee


In your case the build process stopped due to a compilation error (implicit declaration is perhaps configured as an error by default in GHS project). This is the reason why there is no executable generated in the debug folder.

Anyway It seems that the code hasn't been generated so it might missing some includes.

I'd  suggest you press "Generate code" before building the project.



And then check if there is a prototype "OSIF_TimeDelay()" included to the main.c:


I noticed the linker file is passed to the GHS by folder argument -directive_dir.

Generated makefile does not use linker file as an input file dependency so it can be removed from the build.

Anyway the project shal be built as soon as you get rid of compilation error.

Please note that GHS output file has no extension by default.


Hope it helps.


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