S32K144 EVB Flash Programming Error

Now, I'm working on S32 Design Studio for the S32K144 EVB and when I tried to flash my SW to the board, I got this issue.
And this is my debug configuration:
Could you pls help me resolve this issue?

Hi Jiri,
My EVB was powered and I also chose your option, but it still did not work.

Hi Jiti,
I've already debugged RAM target and it also failed.
How can I resolve this problem?
well, if the chip was secured and mass erase disabled (for example by accidental writing binary on bad address) - there is no way how to recover it. You need replace chip by new one.
As a last - you can try external debugger instead integrated OpenSDA (for example Segger J-link, PE Micro Multilink).

Hi Jiri,
When I worked with the GPIO module of S32K144 EVB, I had to configure all of the pins of it. In these pins, which I did not use I set their register default value is ZERO. Do you think it is the reason for my issue?
Thank you
Chip can be secured and mass erase disabled only by writing this option on address 0x400. There is no relation with GPIO stuff. What about external debugger? There is chance, that integrated OpenSDA is broken.

Hi Jiri,
My PC has still detected the OpenSDA port.
And the LED of the OpenSDA module still lights.