I've extended your entitlement. Please refresh or re-activate your installation.
Best Regards,
Good morning,
I tried to activate again the license, with the same number as before, but it tells me that the license is for another feature. Then, if I click on return, a error message appears (see attachments).
Could you help me please?
Thanks a lot!
My license of S32DS for ARM 2018R1 IDE has expired. Could you help check and extend it for me?
Item DescriptionS32 Design Studio
Order NumberS32DS_2018_R1_100931407
Purchase Order Number
Total Number of Licenses:100
Activation Code C625-7579-0C28-63DC
License Applicable to Product(s):
Version Description
R1 2018 S32 Design Studio (View EULA) 3.1 S32 Design Studio (View EULA)
100 Available
Hi, @1772137309 .
I have extended your license through end of 2028.
Please go to the Help -> NXP License menu in S32DS and click "Refresh" to update the license data on your local machine.
Best Regards,
- Mehul Patel
Hello @zhanglei327,
I have extended your entitlement through 2025. Please use the 'Refresh' button located within the Help -> NXP Licenses menu to synchronize your installation with the license server.
Best Regards,