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The Debug function of S32 can be used to run the program on the development board, and the function is normal. However, after the JTAG connection is disconnected and the power is supplied again, the program will not run. Using J-Flash to download the program can not run.How to solve this problem?
Hi Alien!
Sorry for the late response. I had the same issue and I found out that the problem is the NMI interrupt which is sometimes triggered after reset in standalone mode but not in debug mode with probe connected. The walkaround I've used is to simply add disable NMI interrupt instruction in NMI interrupt rutine itself (in my case it is located in a file "events.c":
hello 浩文
我遇到了和你同样的问题 请问你解决了吗?
are you able attach into running program and see what's going on? Anyway, what's your MCU?
I can see what happened because the program can run normally in the debug state, but after exiting debug and resetting it, it cannot work or even change the state of a G P I O
ARM :S 9 K E A Z 128
DEBUG :s e g g e r J-Link Debugging
what about attach to running target? At last you can see on which address is program stuck - some unhandled interrupt or exception?