Dear team,
I've installed GHS compiler(2018.5.4) successfully in S32DS R1 and generated a base project for S32R274 to check if compiler works well.
Unfortunately, I've encountered the errors below when I tried to build.
You can check that GHS toolchain was properly installed and selected.
Have you ever seen these error using GHS compiler in S32DS?
Please suggest any further guide.
Thank you
Hello Justin,
I suspect you haven't set the environment variable S32DS_GHS_PATH.
Please go to menu Window -> Preferences -> C/C++ -> Build -> Build Variables and enable "Show system variables"
and enter the path to the compiler root folder (e.g. "c:\ghs\comp_201754")
The environment variables are defined in workspace scope.
If you switch to a new workspace you have to enter the path again or export/import the original workspace into a new one.
Hope it helps.