Troubleshooting: PEmicro Debug Connection: Target Communication Speed

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Troubleshooting: PEmicro Debug Connection: Target Communication Speed

Troubleshooting: PEmicro Debug Connection: Target Communication Speed

PEmicro’s debug configuration allows user to modify JTAG communication shift frequency between debug interface and the target. By default, this frequency is set to a maximum value of 5000KHz, to take advantage of the fastest run control and FLASH programming experience:


At the same time, not every PowerPC processor might be able to support highest debug shift frequencies with all PEmicro debug interfaces. For example, debug frequency for MPC5634M board used in conjunction with Multilink Universal FX RevC , needs to be lowered to 4000Khz in order to succeed. Hence, if debug session fails to successfully start up or fails on FLASH programming, lowering a debug shift frequency by a factor of 2 or 4 is the first trouble shooting recommendation.

To get to PEmicro’s debug configuration window, one should select “Debug Configuration” from the menu next to a debug icon, and switch over to the Debug tab, within “Debug Configuration” menu pop- up.




thanks a lot for this useful tip.

I tried to lower the speed because I face many unstability when debugging on a multicore project (MPC5748G - Multilink FX). But it seems I cannot modify the setting for other core than Z4_0. The textbox is greyed.


I can only modify Z4_0.

I thought maybe the other cores would apply same configuration as Z4_0 by default but not.

Could you tell me what I'm doing wrong ?

Thanks a lot

Best regards,


In a multi-core device project, the PEmicro debug configurations needs to be done via the main core debug configuration dialog. In a multi-core device setup, the main core is also used to program all object files into main and secondary cores as well (please see chapter 7 in attached PE_GDB_Server_Plugin_E200_User_Guide_v1.03.pdf for more details).


At the same time the secondary core debugging is being done in "Attach" mode, once the debug communication and all object files have already been loaded. Hence, the actual debug configuration settings for secondary cores are disabled, since they rely on the settings that were used to establish communication via the primary debug core.


I hope it helps.



thanks a lot for your answer. It is clearer now !

Best regards,

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Last update:
‎06-22-2018 01:19 PM
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