This application demonstrate integration Processor Expert (PE) RAppID Suite for MPC5777M initialization tool with S32 Design Studio for Power v1.1.
There is a separate RAppID project and RAppID Workspace folder included in this project:
This multicore project first initializes the device (PinMux, Clocks, PIT timer). Each core toggles with one LED with different time period.
Z4_0 core: LED1...GPDO[0]
Z7_0 core: LED2...GPDO[1]
Z7_1 core: LED3...GPDO[2]
Yo can adjust the device initialization in PE RappID (open included workspace), generate the code and finally rebuild the project in S32DS.
Test HW: MPC5777M-512DS, MPC57xx Motherboard
Debugger: PeMicro USB-ML-PPCNEXUS
Target: Debug (internal flash)
EVB connection: USER LED1 connected to P8.0, LED2 connected to P8.1 LED3 connected to P8.2