I have a question about S12ZVM PMF internal signal.
I refer S12ZVM RM rev2.11.
There is the description on Chapter15(PMF) that
"pmf_reload_is_async" serves as a qualifier to the PMF reload event signal "pmf_reloada".
On the other hand, there is another description on Chapter1 Figure 1-9. Internal Control Loop Configuration
that "reload" and "async_reload" signals outputs from PMF modules.
I can understand two patterns as follows.
1) "reload" = "pmf_reloada"
"async_reload" = "pmf_reload_is_async"
2) "reload" = "pmf_reloada"
"async_reload" = "pmf_reloada" ^ "pmf_reload_is_async" (logical conjunction)
Which is correct?
Best Regards,
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Hi Ikki,
I agree, that these internal signals descriptions in RM are quite confusing.
The pmf_reloada signal is routed into PTU module. Therefore:
"reload" signal = "pmf_reloada" signal
The "pmf_reload_is_async" signal is also routed into PTU module. Therefore:
"async_reload" signal = "pmf_reload_is_async" signal
The pmf_reloada signal is generated at specified PWM opportunity (see chapter Load Frequency) = at a start of control loop cycle.
The pmf_reload_is_async signal is generated when async_event (named also “commutation_event”, generated by TIM0_OC0) is detected.
If the PTU is enabled the reload and async_reload events are immediately passed through to the ADC and GDU modules.
If the restart is enabled (RSTRTx=1), the commutation event generates both “PWM reload event” and “PWM reload-is-asynchronous event” simultaneously except the case when the asynchronous event and generated PWM reload event occur in the same cycle (only “PWM reload event” is generated).
The PWM restart at commutation event is used for BLDC Six-Step Commutation driving (for both Hall/sensorless).
For example:
PMFENCA_RSTRTA = 1; // 1 = PWM restart at commutation event
I hope it helps you.
Have a great day,
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Hi Ikki,
I agree, that these internal signals descriptions in RM are quite confusing.
The pmf_reloada signal is routed into PTU module. Therefore:
"reload" signal = "pmf_reloada" signal
The "pmf_reload_is_async" signal is also routed into PTU module. Therefore:
"async_reload" signal = "pmf_reload_is_async" signal
The pmf_reloada signal is generated at specified PWM opportunity (see chapter Load Frequency) = at a start of control loop cycle.
The pmf_reload_is_async signal is generated when async_event (named also “commutation_event”, generated by TIM0_OC0) is detected.
If the PTU is enabled the reload and async_reload events are immediately passed through to the ADC and GDU modules.
If the restart is enabled (RSTRTx=1), the commutation event generates both “PWM reload event” and “PWM reload-is-asynchronous event” simultaneously except the case when the asynchronous event and generated PWM reload event occur in the same cycle (only “PWM reload event” is generated).
The PWM restart at commutation event is used for BLDC Six-Step Commutation driving (for both Hall/sensorless).
For example:
PMFENCA_RSTRTA = 1; // 1 = PWM restart at commutation event
I hope it helps you.
Have a great day,
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