Is there any example code or anything?
I'm getting a problem reading the 64th block sequentially, NFC_LDD is returning with an ERR_BUSY...
anyone have code reading successfully reading/writing all the blocks of the Nand flash on this board (MT29F2G16ABAEAWP:E)
followup - I realized that sometimes the flash operations return ERR_BUSY. If I loop until the command doesn't return that, it seems to work.
So what's odd about that is, why is it busy? I'm issuing commands one at a time, in a single thread, and waiting for the Done Interrupt to occur before issuing the next command. Why would it return busy?
could you please send us (or post here) some demonstration project in order to reproduce it on our side?
Best regards
Vojtech Filip
Processor Expert Support Team
the test code is in a larger project, which will be time consuming to unravel. it would be simpler to send you the whole thing and tell you which function to look at, how to run it, and where to look for this issue, if that's OK? If so I'll send it to you privately. Otherwise it may take me a week or two to strip it down, based on my current workload.
please send the project on my email. It should be available in my profile.
Best regards
Vojtech Filip
Processor Expert Support Team