Why are values in the configuration register window read only?

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Why are values in the configuration register window read only?

Contributor I

I am new to codewarrior, so I'm still getting familiar with everything.  My microcontroller is a Kinetis K20.  I want to set up UART1 to drive an infrared trasceiver.  I dont see any settings in the component inspector, but I did find the UART1_IR register under the configuration registers window.  I see the bits that I need to change, but they are all read only.  Why is this?  How can I edit these values?

Thanks for the help.

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NXP Employee
NXP Employee


Configuration register window is used for showing value of register but it can also be used for modification of register values. If you want to use Processor Expert effectivelly start by using  PEx components. There si Component Library windows (click in the Processor Expert main menu on Show Views) that allow you to select proper components for your application design. You can use the Categories, Alphabetical or Assistant page in the Component Library window.

When you add a component (e.g. Init_UART) into your project you can also modify values of registers and the Init_UART component is set accordingly (but you must not modify value of read-only bits - it is not allowed). When you modify a value of property the affected registers are marked by yellow. When you modify a value of a register the affected properties are marked by yellow too.

CW MCU 10.5 Init_UART Configuration Registers windows.png

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