Does anyone know a way to make Processor Expert (CDE or M. Driver Suite) to trigger code generation from the command line? I would like to automate this for a build server.
Any help is appreciated.
Thank you!
解決済! 解決策の投稿を見る。
Hi Tim,
it made it into 10.5. I have documented it here:
Eclipse Command Line Code Generation with Processor Expert | MCU on Eclipse
Hi Julian,
Currently (up to MCU10.4) this is not supported. I have filed a feature request on this and I epect that the next version should support this. So we need to wait a bit.
I hope this helps.
Do we know if this feature made it in for MCU10.5?
Hi Tim,
it made it into 10.5. I have documented it here:
Eclipse Command Line Code Generation with Processor Expert | MCU on Eclipse
Any word on when they'll be releasing Processor Expert Driver Suite 10.5? This feature is definitely something I could use in my IAR prebuild scripts...
There are no definitive release plans for 10.5 available yet.
Excellent - thanks!!
To my knowledge it did. I need to dig out the details how to use it.
Thank you for the info Erich!