Configure FS8530 using NXP Flex GUI and I2C interface

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Configure FS8530 using NXP Flex GUI and I2C interface

Contributor I

We  have been working on configuring the KITFS85SKTEVM(With  PC33FS8430C0ES) using NXP flexGUI and I2C interface. On Configuring the PMIC in Test-mode we have error response "Error: Command Execution failed".

Step followed:
1. Generate the PMIC config file  using spreadsheet
2. Connect the EVAL board to the system loaded with NXP Flex GUI
3. Launch the GUI and select
        i) Interface as debug-i2c
        ii) MCU type as KL25Z (Embedded)
        iii) USB as usb-cdc
4. Search for the available ports and Select the correct port for EVAL board
5. Press start button (GUI read back some register values)
6. Load the file generated on step1
7. Press start option
8. On the results column it says "Error: Command Exectuion Failed"
9. Tried with different I2C speed and the result is same.

But the setup works well with SPI interface.
Did I miss any sequence here for I2C?? 

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1 Reply

NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hello Satheesh,

Based on the report, the FS84 does not respond to the I2C bus. Please make sure that the DBG pin is connected to 5V and the FS84 is in debug mode, then the default I2C addresses 0x20 (main), 0x21 (fail-safe) can be used for OTP configuration.

Next, I would focus on the value of VDDI2C. By default, I2C is powered via LDO, but all regulators are turned off in debug mode, so it is necessary to solve the power supply of VDDI2C externally, as shown below.


Best regards,


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