I flash burned the 16MB P2020RDB-PCA nor flash bin to my own designed P2020 board's nor flash!
the uboot print is stange,character out of order. please help!
the prints are as followes
8)BUo-oBto ot2 021001.01.2-1020-0006036-3g-8g68696269982-98d-idritryt y(J u(lJ ul0 90 92 02101 1-1 1-4 1:44:54:52:82)
CPU0: C PP2U012:0 ,P 2V02e0rs,i Voenr:s i2o.n1:, (20.1x,8 0(e02x080021e)20
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MetecDteetde UcDtIeMdM U(DsI)M
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r=ASHB:a d trap at PCE:R RO3Rf:f 3t1o7o0c ,m aSnRy: f l2a1s2h0 0s, evcetcotros
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00 LR: 3FF3857C REGS: 3fe2de20 TRAP: 0d00 DAR: FFD00000
MSR: 00021200 EE: 0 PR: 0 FP: 0 ME: 1 IR/DR: 00
GPR00: 00076E00 3FE2DF10 3FE2DF44 FFD00000 00000200 EF00000A EF000015 00000000
GPR08: 0000000A 3FFB0008 00000001 3FE2DF10 3FFA2000 0A825088 200CC281 4FFB0000
GPR16: 44299801 C2400848 6A191201 99F40A40 00001000 3FE2DE10 00000000 3FF3109C
GPR24: 3FF353F4 4A2D8448 3FE2DF2C 3FE2DF44 3FF30000 3FF30000 3FFA240C 3FE2DFB8
Call backtrace:
3FF38568 3FF31644 01108122
Exception in kernel pc 3ff3170c signal 0
### ERROR ### Please RESET the board ###
Hello Li Tian,
Have you verified CodeWarrior bareboard sample project? Could the word "Welcome to CodeWarrior!" be printed normally from the serial console? CodeWarrior uses UART1 by default.
Have a great day,
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