Warning SGTL5000 : Not enforcing symmetric_rate due to race
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We have written one application in which we have created two pipeline i.e transmitter and receiver pipeline for audio . both the pipeline are not working simultaneously in the same process . At time only
one pipeline is working , when we are playing both the pipeline using thread then I am getting warning as
SGTL5000: Not enforcing symmetric_rates due to race
I also checked by running the command arecord | aplay I am getting same above error
SGTL5000: Not enforcing symmetric_rates due to race
Please help us to solve this problem , it is very critical for our customer.
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Hi Alok
unfortunately nxp does not support sgtl5000 in latest bsps, may be recommended to look and
test with boundary devices linux releases where that codec is used, as suggested on
Best regards