PCA21125 RTC Get real time
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Hello NXP,
I am trying to get the real time using RTC PCA21125.Following way I have implemented the RTC interface with AURIX TC389 controller using SPI communication.
Write Command : 0x10
Read Command : 0x90
SPI Configurations :
Data width : 8
Transfer Start : MSB
RTC Initialization :
Configuring Register Control 1 as 0x0C (POR_OVRD = 1, 12_24 = 1)[is this correct way ?]
Configuring Register Control 1 as 0x00
RF bit of SECOND regirster is always 1 as its default value.
trying to read the Second, Minute, Hour data from the register using SPI commands.
Observed Values :
Seconds : 0
Minutes : 19
Hours : 12

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Hello Ashwini,
I do not fully understand what is the issue you are facing.
I would recommend you to take a closer look at our UM10301, mainly chapters 12.1 - Initialization of the RTC and setting the time, and 6 - Oscillator.
The simplest way to check for oscillation is to use the CLKOUT pin. There should be a 32.768 kHz signal at pin CLKOUT available after power-on. If your design does not include a pull-up resistor to the CLKOUT, then add one temporarily.
BR, Tomas
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