I'm using the NHS3152 in a project for which the NHS3152 is NFC powered.
So far I'm using the NHS3152 ADK board. The program flashed using the LPC link2 works fine on the NFC-powered chip.
However, I won't have room on the final product PCB to connect the programming pins.
The device can be flashed via NFC, but is it possible to NFC flash the chip while NFC powered?
I couldn't find that info in the documents.
Best regards
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Hi CyrilBZH,
Sorry for the late reply, I probably forgot to click the POST button
Yes, in that case flashing via NFC is possible.
Note that the programming speed is slow compared to SWD programming, not really useful for mass production.
Kind regards,

Hi CyrilBZH,
Sorry for the late reply, I probably forgot to click the POST button
Yes, in that case flashing via NFC is possible.
Note that the programming speed is slow compared to SWD programming, not really useful for mass production.
Kind regards,

Hello CyrilBZH,
Flashing on NFC power only is not possible: to replace the reset vector from default NFCloader firmware to the new firmware, an erase cycle is needed (happens at the end of the NFCloader operation). This causes the internal voltage to drop too low, causing a reset of the system. Typically the reset vector is then already erased or damaged, so NFCloader firmware will not start again. You can recover only by SWD programming.
Kind regards,