Part #: 74HCT74PW
Function: D-type ?ip-?op
Description: Dual D-type ?ip-?op with set and reset; positive-edge trigger; TTL-enabled
On power up, what is the STATE of pin Q (When CP = 0)?
My expected output will be HIGH, only when the SD=HIGH, RD=HIGH and also CP is in positive rising edge. But, I’m getting output pin-5 (1Q) as HIGH, when the CP is in low state.
Waveforms (Refer attachment: NXP-74HCT74PW-Waveforms.pdf) captured using DSO for Clock (CP), Data input-1 (1D) and Output (1Q), When the VCC is ON.
As mentioned earlier, I’m getting output pin-5 (1Q) as HIGH, when the CP is in low state. We have two CCA and the mentioned issue is observed in both.
Hello Jeevaaraam,
Thanks for your inquiry. This question is related to the Standard Products business. We would like to inform you that NXP has divested it´s Standard Products business on Feb 6th 2017. This new standalone company is called “Nexperia”, headquartered in the Netherlands, and is a world-class leader in Discretes, Logic and MOSFETs.
We would like to ask you to re-enter your inquiry at the Nexperia support web page: Thank you!
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