USBDM CF 3.1 UsbdmScript TCL Interpreter commands

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USBDM CF 3.1 UsbdmScript TCL Interpreter commands

Contributor IV

Hello PGO, I've got some PCB's done with your USBDM_CF_3.1, assembled, intended for HCS08 programming and debugging, and it is now replacing an old P&E micro USB Multilink 12E cable. Picture attached. Works fine with CodeWarrior v11.0.

I have 2 questions, if you please.

1. is it possible for the USBDM CW plugin to take the trim calibration frequency value directly from the Component Inspector menu instead of entering the debugger menu ? Please see attached capture.

2. is there a detailed description and the purpose of de TCL Interpreter UsbdmScript.exe ? For example, I was trying to start my new USBDM_CF_3.1 board and thought that I could change the state of most pins of the JM60 onboard MCU.  I didn't understand if this program exercises the USBDM board itself or the target connected to it. BTW the mentioned pinSet command is not recognized, as you can see in the attached captured image. What am I doing wrong?

This was suggested here: Testing the BDM hardware

Thank you so much for the project.

Cheers and greetings from Buenos Aires, Argentina.


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1 Reply

Senior Contributor V


Your questions:

1. No the programming interface doesn't have access to the Component Inspector information. The trim information is passed to other programming interfaces using a propriety method that I do not have details of.

2. I'm sorry there is very little information available about the TCL interface.  It is mostly used to write programming scripts used by the programming software itself.

Some information is available by typing "?" at the TCL command line.

% ?
connect                      - Connect to target
closeBDM                     - Close BDM connection
debug <value>                - Debug commands
dialogue <title> <body> yes_no|cancel|ok|i_exclaim|i_question|i_info|i_err
       returns 0=>cancel, 1=yes, 2=no, 3=ok
                             - display dialogue
exit                         - Exit program
getErrorMessage <rc>         - Get given USBDM rc as String
getLastError                 - Get last USBDM rc as number
getLastErrorMessage          - Get last USBDM rc as string
go                           - Start from current PC
getcap                       - Get BDM Capabilities
gs                           - Read status register
halt                         - Halt the target
help                         - Display help
jtag-reset                   - Take JTAG TAP to TEST-LOGIC-RESET state
jtag-shift <S|R|D|I><#bits><values>  - Shift given values into current chain
                               S=stay, R=exit Run-test/Idle, D=shift-DR, I=shiftIR
jtag-shift-dr                - Set up for DR chain shift
jtag-shift-ir                - Set up for IR chain shift
jtag-idcode                  - Read IDCODE from JTAG
load <filename>              - Load file image into buffer
log 0|1                      - setting ARM loggin OFF/ON
memorySpace [<N|X|P>]        - set memory space (DSC)
openbdm [<bdmNumber>]        - Open given BDM
pinSet <pin=level>           - Control pins, pin=RST|BKGD|TRST|BKPT|TA|SWD,
program                      - Program image to target
regs                         - PRINT out registers
reset <N|S><H|S|P|V|A>       - Reset (N=normal,S=Special), (H=Hardware,S=Software,P=Power,V=Vendor,A=All
rblock <addr> <size>         - Read block
rb <addr> <count>            - Read byte
rw <addr> <count>            - Read word
rl <addr> <count>            - Read longword (CFV1 only)
rreg <regNo>                 - Read core register
rdreg <regNo>                - Read debug register
rcreg <regNo>                - Read control register
setboot                      - Set USBDM module to ICP mode
setdevice <deviceName|-list> - Set targetdevice (e.g. MK20DX128M5)
setbytesex <big|little>      - Set big/little endian target
settarget <target>           - HCS12/HCS08/RS08/CFV1/DSC/JTAG/ARM
settargetvdd <0|3|5|on|off>  - Set target Vdd (only has effect if target set)
settargetvpp <standby|on|off>- Set target Vpp
speed ?Hz?                   - Set/Get speed
step                         - Execute a single instruction
sync                         - Execute a low level sync
tblock <start> <end> <count> - Random RAM write/read block test
testcreg                     - Test control register
testStatus                   - Read target status in an infinite loop
usereset <T|F|0|1>           - Apply reset signal when using S/W reset methods
verify                       - Verify image against target
wc <value>                   - Write control register
wpc <value>                  - Write to PC
wblock <addr> <size> <data>  - Write block
wb <addr> <data>             - Write byte
ww <addr><value>             - Write word
wl <addr><value>             - Write longword (CFV1 only)
wreg <regNo><value>          - Write core register
wdreg <regNo><value>         - Write debug register
wcreg <regNo><value>         - Write control register

e.g. pinSet rst=0 to apply reset or pinSet rst=3 to release (3-state) reset.

This will only persist until another command affects the reset signal.


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