Hi, I just upgraded from 4.10.4a to, and found that the clock trimming calculations are not done automatically on the latest release.
I am using the HCS08 Programmer, on JM60, GB60, GT16A on Windows 7x64.
Was this feature discontinued? or is there a way to re-enable it?
Hi Marco,
It is not intentional.
I don't have ready access to the current release version.
The current development version seems to program the trim correctly on a GB60 device so I'm unsure if this problem doesn't occur with this version due to changes or simply is intermittent.
When you say it doesn't program the trim do you mean:
Also, what hardware are you using?
Thanks for your reply. I apologize for the delay. Yes, I meant that the trim option was disabled, and the trim frequency/value did not show when the checkmark was selected.
I am using an USBDM_JMxxCLD Rev1.6.
I also just built an USBDM_CF_JMxxCLD_V3 Rev 3.1.
I just upgraded to (BDM FW4.11.1, and DLL4.11.1.60), and everything is working fine using both devices. (for
Thanks again for all your help!