I'm Sachin Waghmare,
I am using the MPC5675KRM microcontroller. We are facing issue on implementing the eDMA with DSPI peripheral to transmit data over DSPI channel, I did't getting any clock pulse as well as data.
To transmit data through eDMA with DSPI peripheral the following sequence has been followed.
Kindly suggest if any thing is missed out in this sequence.
void initDSPI_A(void)
DSPI_1.MCR.R = 0x80010001; /* Configure DSPI_A as master */
DSPI_1.RSER.R = 0x03030000; /* DMA enable */
DSPI_1.CTAR[0].R = 0x780A7727; /* Configure CTAR0, Baud rate 17.6kHz */
DSPI_1.MCR.B.HALT = 0x0; /* Exit HALT mode: go from STOPPED to RUNNING state*/
/* Pad Config */
SIU.PCR[7].R = 0x0604; /* 7 sout, obe=1 */
SIU.PCR[8].R = 0x0504; /* 8 sin, ibe=1 */
SIU.PCR[6].R = 0x0604; /* 6 sck */
SIU.PCR[5].R = 0x0704; /* 5 cs0/ss */
void eDMA_TCD_DSPI_Master_Transmit_init(void)
/*** source settings ***/
EDMA_0.TCD[2].SADDR = (vuint32_t) &DSPI_Master_Transmit_Data; // source address - command_word
EDMA_0.TCD[2].SSIZE = 2; // 32-bit
EDMA_0.TCD[2].SOFF = 4; // addr increment after transfer in bytes
EDMA_0.TCD[2].SLAST = 0; // after major loop, do not change
EDMA_0.TCD[2].SMOD = 0; // source modulo feature not used
/*** destination settings ***/
EDMA_0.TCD[2].DADDR = (vuint32_t) &DSPI_1.PUSHR.R; // dest. address - command PUSH register
EDMA_0.TCD[2].DSIZE = 2; // 32-bit
EDMA_0.TCD[2].DOFF = 0; // no addr increment after transfer
EDMA_0.TCD[2].DLAST_SGA = 0; // after major loop, do not change addr
EDMA_0.TCD[2].DMOD = 0; // destination modulo feature not used
/*** counts ***/
EDMA_0.TCD[2].NBYTES = 4; // 4 bytes per minor loop
EDMA_0.TCD[2].BITER = 8; // major iteration count - lenght of message
EDMA_0.TCD[2].CITER = 8; // major iteration count - lenght of message
/*** linking ***/
EDMA_0.TCD[2].CITERE_LINK = 0; // disabled
EDMA_0.TCD[2].BITERE_LINK = 0; // disabled
EDMA_0.TCD[2].MAJORE_LINK = 0; // disabled
EDMA_0.TCD[2].MAJORLINKCH = 0; // disabled
/*** others ***/
EDMA_0.TCD[2].D_REQ = 1; // do not disable channel when major loop is done
EDMA_0.TCD[2].INT_HALF = 0; // interrupt is not used
EDMA_0.TCD[2].INT_MAJ = 0; // interrupt is not used
EDMA_0.TCD[2].E_SG = 0; // disable scatter/gather operation
EDMA_0.TCD[2].BWC = 0; // default bandwidth control- no stalls
EDMA_0.TCD[2].START = 0;
EDMA_0.TCD[2].DONE = 0;
EDMA_0.TCD[2].ACTIVE = 0; // initialize status flags
EDMA_0.DMASERQ.R = 2; // enable the channel
已解决! 转到解答。
with the above mentioned code including the DMAMUX configuration. I am getting the Destination write error though EDMA_0.DMAES.R;
this register to solve that error the following things has been implemented in code,
PBRIDGE_0.PACR16_23.B.PACR17_SP = 0;
with this configuration, that error has been resolve, but still not getting the clock signal on the DSPI peripheral channel.
Kindly suggest the missed out things.
with the above mentioned code including the DMAMUX configuration. I am getting the Destination write error though EDMA_0.DMAES.R;
this register to solve that error the following things has been implemented in code,
PBRIDGE_0.PACR16_23.B.PACR17_SP = 0;
with this configuration, that error has been resolve, but still not getting the clock signal on the DSPI peripheral channel.
Kindly suggest the missed out things.